>>>>> On Wed, 30 May 2018, Ulrich Mueller wrote: > A while back I requested information on past copyright assignments > [1]. Since then, we have located some 30 of the assignment forms, > signed by developers (most of them retired by now) in 2004. > Here is the second part of the exercise. The current draft of the > new Gentoo copyright policy [2] arranges for two procedures: > 1. Certifying agreement to a "Gentoo Developer's Certificate of > Origin" by including a "Signed-off-by" line with every commit. > This would be virtually identical to the procedure used for the > Linux kernel, and would be mandatory. A draft of the Gentoo DCO > can be seen at [3]. > 2. In addition, according to the current policy draft, developers > would be encouraged to sign a "Gentoo Contributor License > Agreement (CLA)". Its current draft version is at [4]. However, > this would be completely voluntary and *not* be required. The > exact workflow hasn't been drafted yet, but PGP signing of the > form would be one possibility. (Also note that the form includes > fields for real name and postal address.) > The goals of the second item is to "make compliance with this policy > easier (fewer copyright holders to list), and allow the Foundation > to enforce copyrights and re-license content if appropriate" [2]. > Apparently, we will only be able to achieve these goals if a > significant fraction of contributors will sign the CLA. > So, before I pursue more work on the CLA I would like to ask all > developers and contributors: > - Would you sign a "Gentoo Contributor License Agreement", similar > to the current draft in [4]? > Please reply to me personally; I shall post a summary to the > gentoo-project mailing list in one week from now. Time to post a summary: I have received 24 answers in total, 22 from developers and 2 from users. 9 answers said they would sign such an agreement, 12 answers said they would not sign it, or would not be allowed to by their employer, 3 answers were undecided or non-committal. It is still difficult to extrapolate from these numbers. My impression (also from replies in mailing lists) is that achieving 50% coverage would be a very optimistic assumption. Also there were some very active devs amongst the "no" replies. For the time being, we have therefore removed the FLA/CLA section from the (pre-)draft of the copyright policy [2]. I shall post it soon as a GLEP draft for wider rewiev. Thanks to everyone who has replied. Ulrich [1] https://archives.gentoo.org/gentoo-project/message/4958621b17b00eac7aaca1c8737b8b57 [2] https://dev.gentoo.org/~ulm/glep-drafts/glep-0076.html [3] https://dev.gentoo.org/~ulm/glep-drafts/glep-0076.html#certificate-of-origin [4] https://dev.gentoo.org/~ulm/cla/cla.pdf