Please add "Behaviour of asterisk with = dependency operator" to the agenda. In a nutshell: By the current description of the * operator in PMS, a dependency cat/foo-1.2* matches cat/foo-1.2, cat/foo-1.2.1, etc. (which is what is intended) but it also matches cat/foo-1.20. For details see bug 560466 [1]. I propose that we update the definition in PMS such that version components cannot be split when matching (i.e. 1.2* would not match 1.20). Alternatives to vote on (in order of my own preference): a) Introduce this change retroactively for all EAPIs b) Introduce it in EAPI 6 c) Introduce it in a later EAPI A patch for variant a) can be found in [2]. For the other variants, it would be similar but with an additional EAPI table. Note that Portage anticipated this change and implements the new behaviour since version 2.2.21 already [3]. Ulrich [1] [2] [3]