Council Manifesto of Georgy Yakovlev, 2021 [0] Hi, I sincerely care about Gentoo project, it's developers and users, and would like to help make it better as a council member this term. About myself (mostly bragging): ############################### I've been an active Gentoo user since 2003, contributor since 2017, and a developer since 2018. I maintain a friendly attitude, am approachable, and take valid criticism calmly with no drama or excessive emotions. I'm aware of what's happening in the gentoo developer community. During my time as contributor I have made almost 4000 meaningful commits in gentoo namespace and several hundreds more outside of it. I maintain some critical software packages like zfs, rust, jdk, some packages with less blast radius as well, and some eclasses. I'm also part of RelEng, helping with ppc64 releases and build host maintenance. Last year this is what we've gained in ppc64 world: * Working KDE/Plasma and GNOME along with corresponding profiles. * qtwebegine patchset for ppc64le, and for Chromium as well. * I've ported Gentoo to ppc64-musl, for both little-endian and big-endian. stages are provided on regular basis via official channels. * and last, but not least, we now have a ppc64le installer iso, which supports 2 kernel flavors, for 4K and 64K PAGESZ. In the dist-kernel project I've worked on tests, some minor things, and recently I've added a hardened useflag, i.e., a selection of security oriented settings that can be enabled with little to no effort from users. Further, I helped the kernel project to gain a similar setting in gentoo-sources' Kconfig. On other fronts, I'm a ComRel member since April 2020, and have been in a council for 2 years in a row. I think council should be: ########################## 1) Open 2) Proactive as well, not only reactive 3) Less words, more action overall * Problems current/last council had: Internal tensions - usual for Gentoo tendency to discuss minor issues in ridiculous detail or disagreements for sake of disagreements. There is not much I can do about it personally, but I hope developers will elect next council members more carefully. Skim council meeting logs before making a choice and see it yourself. Being on ComRel as well, I know how a team can work efficiently. Current ComRel, despite being composed of people of VERY different backgrounds and cultures, is surprisingly smooth those days. I want the council to be more like it. * Reactivity, not proactivity: A single person can actually make an impact here. I will try to identify and see upcoming problems or solutions in advance and push council and/or community in the right direction. * Personal: My failure to upload several meeting summaries in time due to technical difficulties on my side (dead HD with logs) and failure to find an alternative solution on time. But it has been resolved and I have a way to prevent it from happening again. Work Disclosure: ################ I'm still employed by Sony, but work I do there is not related to Gentoo. Please feel free to ask questions if you have any. -- Best regards, Georgy [0]