Welcome aboard Ben! :) Monday 25 Jun 2018 09:20:02, Amy Liffey wrote : > Good day/night to everyone! > > It is my pleasure to announce the latest addition to our family. > > Ben Kohler is joining us from Springfield, MO, USA > He has been with us in Gentoo for quite a long time and working on > various packages (and will continue his work as an official developer). > Here is how he describes himself: > > "I like to do some outdoorsy stuff like hiking and kayaking and playing > soccer. > I also do some craftsman stuff like brewing beer and building furniture. > I do some lazierstuff like drinking the beer and watching TV, too. > > I've been using Gentoo and involved in the community since 2004 or so, > though in > mostly in unofficial capacities. Some of you may know me from IRC, I'm > pretty active > there and have been a #gentoo operator for many years." > > Please give him a warm welcome ! > > Best regards, > Amy Liffey > -- Patrice Clement Gentoo Linux developer http://www.gentoo.org