On Sun, Apr 08, 2018 at 03:43:03PM -0500, Matthias Maier wrote: > On Sun, Apr 8, 2018, at 15:27 CDT, Matthew Thode wrote: > > > ======= > > If you have any additions you wish to make, please submit it to the > > gentoo-nfp list at least 48 hours before the meeting is to take place. > > > We request the Board of Trustees to make the following motion part of > their next meeting agenda, we will ask for a formal vote by council at > the next council meeting: > > > We request that the Gentoo Council and the Board of Trustees of the Gentoo > Foundation affirm Gentoo's metastructure GLEP 39 as the governing principle > of the Gentoo Linux developer community. In particular, both acknowledge > the split between > - the Gentoo Council, which is responsible for the Gentoo Linux developer > community, its user base and all technical decisions, > - and the Gentoo Foundation, whose role is to hold Gentoo's assets > (such as trademarks and server infrastructure) and support the developer > and user community. > > > Best, > Matthias and Andreas In the interest of upholding a promise, I'll keep it short. The Council is not offering anything equitable in return for a Foundation motion. There is no guarantee they will even hear, let alone pass the same motion. If said motion passes in both bodies, what comes next? The affirmations are pointless without some sort of follow-up action, which is conveniently omitted. If it's important enough for both groups to agree on it, it should be done simultaneously with all relevant members present (every Trustee and Council member). The proposal in its current form (summed up as "you first") can be reneged or ignored altogether by the Council. I request the Trustees reconsider this one-sided deal and ask what the Council is offering in return. To the Council: What makes you accountable to this community? Why should we trust or respect you when you have nothing on the line except a title? What happens next if these affirmations are made? What's your angle, your real motivation? How do you trust a Council member when they have nothing to lose by acting against the community? To everyone else: The next Council election is in June. Please vote responsibly. Sincerely, A Foundation Member and developer