On 18-04-07 21:01:38, Andreas K. Huettel wrote: > Am Samstag, 7. April 2018, 20:37:21 CEST schrieb Matthew Thode: > > > Second, I highly doubt that any other org would be willing to manage the > > project without at least some sort of license/trademark agreement > > between the foundation and them. > > As long as no public representation takes place, I see no need for that. > However, this is a valid point that needs to be considered. > > > Third, I also doubt any org stepping in would want to manage one of two > > accounts (bank wise), they'd want to manage all the money. > > Incorrect. > > (And if you ever bothered to actually read my mails, I already pointed that > out.) > > Quoting the SPI web pages: "SPI does not prohibit the project from having a > similar relationship with other fiscal sponsors." > Thanks for this, I haven't had time to catch up everywhere, this list suddenly went into high traffic mode... > > We'd be replacing one structure, where two groups think they > > are in charge but one legally is, with two groups who think they are in > > charge and both legally are. > > That sentence brings up a philosophical question. What happens if you think > you're in charge, but nobody else does? (maybe except veremit) > Eventually, if the person thinking they were in charge (but not actually in charge) were to do something intolerable in the view of the group actually in charge, they'd be fired / kicked out. The could possibly extend to the removing of licencing/trademark privileges if any exist. -- Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)