On 18-02-12 08:53:24, Daniel Robbins wrote: > How about if they just abstain from any votes where there may be a conflict > of interest? I would hate to limit the ability of people to contribute > technically just because they were elected to council. > > On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 3:42 PM, William Hubbs wrote: > > > Hi all, > > > > The council can't make this change since it is a glep 39 change, so I am > > bringing it to the community for discussion -- I assume there would need > > to be a full dev vote to make it happen. > > > > I feel that council members should not be members of projects whose > > actions can be appealed to the council like qa or comrel. I have felt > > this way for a long time, because I think it compromises the full > > council's ability to vote fairly on appeals. > > > > As a member of the council who would be affected by this, if it passes > > and I run and am elected to council again, I would have no problem with > > stepping down from QA. > > > > Attached is a patch for glep 39 which will make this change. > > > > Thoughts? > > I've thought a similiar thing, if we go this route we also need to ensure that a managed group does not obtain over 50% of the council seats as that mean they can't vote if they all obstain. -- Matthew Thode (prometheanfire)