Hi all, Over the next few days, the Infra team will be performing upgrades of the Perl major version on critical systems of Gentoo, specifically those with major Perl applications in use: - Bugzilla - Git (Gitolite) - Mail (Amavis & SpamAssassin) There may be outages during the upgrade, as Perl packages are rebuilt. All other systems that don't have critical Perl components have either already been completed, or will be completed very shortly, with no outages expected. This includes the anongit/gitweb services (already done). P.S. As a reminder, Infra may perform upgrades at any time, esp. for security patching, and while we will try to keep the community informed about upcoming changes, the notification may sometimes be after the upgrade. You can keep informed about ongoing downtime & outages, on the Infra status page: https://infra-status.gentoo.org/ -- Robin Hugh Johnson Gentoo Linux: Dev, Infra Lead, Foundation Trustee & Treasurer E-Mail : robbat2@gentoo.org GnuPG FP : 11ACBA4F 4778E3F6 E4EDF38E B27B944E 34884E85 GnuPG FP : 7D0B3CEB E9B85B1F 825BCECF EE05E6F6 A48F6136