On Sun, 22 Jan 2017 12:51:56 -0500 "William L. Thomson Jr." wrote: > > Looking back I can see now you didn't write that as such, its just how the > > framing turned out: > > > > "Paying for news" -> "who pays for news"? -> "subscribers pay for news" > > People always twist and read what I write in their own ways. We all have > filters we view the world through. > > > In short though: Depsite how much you write, I seldom find you "clear" to > > read. > > Could be culture differences, maybe even language. Even native English varies > around the world. > If you're ever feeling really generous, and you want to write something and post it to the -project ML and avoid such confusion from the start, you *might* want to consider sending it to me, or some other person perhaps, in advance, and then we can argue about the details and concepts privately until we work out what exactly each other is saying ( even if we disagree on some key element ). That way we don't clutter the mailing list prematurely with everyone going off on tangents based on misunderstanding each others misunderstanding. I might not be able to be of use in all cases, anything that gets too much business speak and abbreviations or lots of layers of social stuff and buzzwords and I'm out, but otherwise ....