Dnia 2015-10-10, o godz. 01:34:07 "Andreas K. Huettel" napisał(a): > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > Hash: SHA512 > > Am Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2015, 20:48:31 schrieb Michael Orlitzky: > > On 10/08/2015 10:09 AM, Michał Górny wrote: > > > Potential alternative is to back-mirror pull requests in > > > git.gentoo.org and work on that. But that's likely to cause even more > > > uproar. > > > > Why would this be a problem? Suppose we copy the "gentoo.git" directory > > on git.gentoo.org to "gentoo.github" or something like that. > > > > Sure (just let's use a separate repo for it since not everyone wants to > download all these blobs forever). It's not so 100% clear cut though, since > with pull requests a force push to update it is more or less the norm, meaning > the history gets lost. Git *does not* download all refs by default. Putting pull requests in gentoo.git won't affect the common fetch. -- Best regards, Michał Górny