Dnia 2015-10-08, o godz. 11:01:49 "Anthony G. Basile" napisał(a): > So perhaps it was unwise for us to get into a situation where either 1) > we violate the Social Contract or 2) we have to surmount a technically > difficult situation. > > Perhaps those responsible for doing so should fix this. Thank all of your for your continuous support. I will not be deploying any scripts to improve integration in any way. If you want to take this over, the script is in repo-mirror-ci, in github-pr-sync branch, I think. I suggest you copy it somewhere because I may randomly remove the branch when cleaning up the repo at some point. We will be handling GitHub pull requests on our own. If someone is willing to contribute, sure. If someone is not, I don't care. This is the end of the topic as far as I'm concerned, and I guess we can remove the item from the Council agenda to offload the unnecessarily overburdened Council from dealing with problems that have no solution. -- Best regards, Michał Górny