Dnia 2015-10-02, o godz. 00:57:33 "Robin H. Johnson" napisał(a): > From this, I have a rough plot of a data model that tries to take it > into account. It doesn't cover where to store it, other than it needs to > be private. Just to be clear, do all the mail aliases get auto-generated in this model? Can we still have non-project aliases? Can we add members to project aliases externally? > = Projects have members > == members fall into two groups: developers, contributors > == members can be public or private, this controls if they are shown on the wiki etc. > == developers are public members by default > == contributors are private members by default I'm not sure if this isn't extending past project membership scope. Do private members have any significance besides receiving mail? Does that mean that anyone can join a project as a contributor (or a developer -- private member)? Again reaching into package maintainership, let's assume that package P is maintained by project P2, and developer D gives me ok to commit a change. Now, how can I check if developer D is allowed to do that? I would guess only developers who are public project members would be the official members who have that privilege. -- Best regards, Michał Górny