Dnia 2015-09-30, o godz. 22:36:42 "Andreas K. Huettel" napisał(a): > > > f) The project e-mail alias is automatically populated from the wiki page > > > (members and contributors). > > > > Is anyone going to actually do it? Or is this a purely theoretical idea > > with nobody willing to do the work? > > It's feasible according to Alex (though he doesnt particularly like the idea). That's not my question. I know SMW can do many things. So let me ask again: will someone actually do it? In a reasonable time? > > > * Obviously there are exceptions to this rigid structure for few special > > > teams (sec, infra, ...) > > > > Doesn't this kill the whole idea? Or are we talking about projects > > which are not allowed to maintain packages? > > What's maintaining packages got to do with the generation the mail aliases? Well, you just said you want to have team names matching e-mail addresses. If you add exceptions, that's no longer true. But if they don't maintain any packages, this won't bite us during bug assignment. -- Best regards, Michał Górny