Dnia 2015-09-30, o godz. 21:39:11 Ulrich Mueller napisał(a): > >>>>> On Wed, 30 Sep 2015, Michał Górny wrote: > > >> I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but seems that you have > >> missed it. IMHO matching projects via their e-mail address is not a > >> good idea, because some projects have an address -bugs@g.o > >> or dev-@g.o which makes guessing the project's name (and > >> finding the project page) more difficult. Therefore, projects > >> should be matched by their proper name. > > > And why would you need to guess that? Wiki project names are already > > disjoint from herds.xml s, so I don't see a problem with > > that. > > We would need a "shortname" or "id" field in the project page > template, e.g. "Quality Assurance" -> "qa" (but I guess most would be > trivial, like "Emacs" -> "emacs"). I've already discussed this with > a3li some time ago, and there should be no technical problems. And what's the technical problem of using e-mail address instead which is already there and is a valid global identifier? Why do we have to duplicate more information when we can use something we need there anyway? > > >> > 2a. If someone really cares about this, we add an extra attribute or > >> > element which indicates the 'kind' of . Otherwise, we just > >> > match herds.xml by e-mail address. > >> > > >> Why don't we follow the KISS principle and replace by > >> in metadata.xml? That is, create a project for every herd. > > > Because this: > > > 1. breaks backwards compatibility, > > It is already broken. For example, in herds.xml > does no longer work. Small breakage is no excuse for bigger breakage. Right now, all package managers still work. Tools like 'equery m' still get the e-mails for bug assignments right. With your solution, they all broke immediately. 'equery m' no longer lists correct maintainers. All package managers need to be updated, including *API changes*. > > 2. doesn't change anything but the name which is the most meaningless, > > waste-of-time change you could have proposed. if you do this, please > > count me out. > > Huh? You really think that getting rid of herds and having all > information about project membership in one central place (namely, > the project page in the wiki) doesn't change anything? Excuse me, but what are you talking about now? All you said was to change the tag, you didn't mention anything about wiki. And if you really want to keep this information in the Wiki, then I'm strongly against it. Because I really like having metadata is useful format in git repo rather than some proprietary database which can't even list all developers properly and require fancy software to access. -- Best regards, Michał Górny