Dnia 2015-09-30, o godz. 16:01:16 "Andreas K. Huettel" napisał(a): > the Gentoo Council will meet again on Sunday, October 11 at 19:00 UTC in > #gentoo-council on freenode. > > Please reply to this message with any items you would like us to discuss > or vote on. The second issue that may need Council's attention is developers' attitude towards pull request source via GitHub. One and a half month since enabling it, we already had almost 150 pull requests from Gentoo users (and a few Gentoo developers who use this as a collaboration tool). Sadly, some developers not only refuse to use GitHub (which is an acceptable choice) but also have very negative attitude towards users submitting pull requests and the developers helping with them. The point is, if we want users to submit pull requests, we should be handling them. Then we can't really agree on some developer refusing to look at the request, and requesting the user to re-send it some other, less convenient way. Or another developer just silently ignoring every request and rudely responding to pings. Since the amount of work necessary to proxy between users and developers who refuse to use GitHub is huge, I have prepared a script that opens Bugzilla bugs for GitHub pull requests and bidirectionally copies comments between them, therefore allowing Gentoo developers to handle pull requests via Bugzilla at their convenience. However, it is currently waiting for review and approval by Robin before it will get deployed. But even then, I need to make sure the developers will actually use it politely. Developers can't really close those bugs 'because it's GitHub', or 'attach a patch', or 'duplicate of #nnnnnn' (because it's a synced bug, it can't be magically coerced into existing bug). In fact, I mailed bug-wranglers about this already but I got no reply. -- Best regards, Michał Górny