Dnia 2015-04-06, o godz. 06:29:55 Rich Freeman napisał(a): > On Mon, Apr 6, 2015 at 3:59 AM, Michał Górny wrote: > > > > And so far, nobody but me and Patrick basically cared about dependency > > graph not being broken. > > > > Don't assume discussion of alternatives is equivalent to not caring. > The reasons for not breaking the depgraph were fairly well articulated > - it doesn't really add much to repeat them. > > Personally I'm leaning more towards making the entire arches > non-stable, but I'd still prefer to have a policy that can be applied > across all archs, and it doesn't make sense to make all archs > non-stable. Developing a policy that intentionally makes it impossible to work on Gentoo... -- Best regards, Michał Górny