Dnia 2015-04-05, o godz. 20:47:51 Rich Freeman napisał(a): > On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 7:05 PM, Patrick Lauer wrote: > > > > How git is relevant I don't really see, you'd still have to re-test all > > involved packages, so the effort is mostly in testing and not in running > > ekeyword in a loop. > > > > If you removed stable keywords from 300 packages, they would be in a > single git commit. That means you can restore those keywords in a > single command once you've checked that the new library can be made > stable. The benefit of git is that tree-wide operations are atomic. Which is a moot point since once user gets hit by 300 packages suddenly going ~arch, he has no point in using stable anymore. -- Best regards, Michał Górny