Am Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015, 04:47:31 schrieb Robin H. Johnson: > > I've wondered in the past, about doing a Kickstarter/IndieGogo to pay me > for spending a month or two on Gentoo, based on the model of the very > successful Django kickstarter: Sure, why not! It's worth a try. > Potential major projects for it, in a rough priority order: > - Get rid of cfengine > - Migration of services off some of our oldest servers > - Split-model Puppet (like Wikimedia) > - Projects Hosting (mostly repurposing 'kup', but needs some dev work) > - Split mail & dev.g.o > - box (post-split of mail) > - Official Gentoo cloud images, from releng (because they'd make infra's > life easier too). > - List Archives > - Website revamp Sounds good to me. > Stuff that is NOT on the table (and why) > - Git migration > - We're actually just blocked on a specific new sponsor for more than > month now, they bought a nice new box, and they have to fix > something in their network. You know, keeping people updated of current developments (maybe some sort of infra blog, or an "Infra News" section of the GMN) would also be great. Especially for topics where a lot of passion is involved (say gitweb or git migration)... :] Write it once and be rid of questions for a while. -- Andreas K. Huettel Gentoo Linux developer