Dnia 2015-02-14, o godz. 21:48:22 "Andreas K. Huettel" napisał(a): > whenever the suggestion comes up to enable contributions to Gentoo via Github > pull requests, we also encounter discussion of the Gentoo Social Contract. > > The two points that are seen as conflicting are > > * The software running Github is closed source, proprietary. > > * The Gentoo Social Contract states [1]: > "Gentoo will never depend upon a piece of software or metadata unless it > conforms to the GNU General Public License, the GNU Lesser General Public > License, the Creative Commons - Attribution/Share Alike or some other license > approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI)." Maybe you should start by providing an alternative conforming to this. For a start, Infra should stop running proprietary software. However, so far they have been openly refusing to publish their scripts. In fact, I've been recently asked to put my open source overlay QA scripts [1] in a restricted-access repository. [1]:https://bitbucket.org/mgorny/overlay-qa-tools -- Best regards, Michał Górny