To whom it may concern, This email contains notifications of the start of the nomination period for the 2018 Trustee Election. [1] The 2018 Trustee Election will be held over June, July and August. Nominations will be open for a period of three weeks starting on June 25th. Voting will take place approximately four weeks later starting on July 16th. Nominations must be made by posting to gentoo-nfp@l.g.o Only Foundation members who are active Gentoo developers may be nominated. [1] Only Foundation members may vote. [2] Nomination Period: 2018-06-25 00H00 UTC — 2018-07-13 00H00 UTC Voting Period: 2018-07-16 00H00 UTC — 2018-07-29 00H00 UTC The new trustees will take their seats at the AGM on Aug 25. Trustees serve a two year term and retire by rotation every year. Any candidates higher than reopen_nominations are selected at the end of this round. If there are open seats at this point, the second round of nomination & voting takes place. Second Nomination Period: 2018-07-30 00H00 UTC - 2018-08-06 00H00 UTC Second Voting Period: 2018-08-06 00H00 UTC - 2018-08-18 This year, David Abbott (dabbott) and Matthew Thode (prometheanfire) retire by rotation and Michael Palimaka (Kensington) and Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera (klondike) are retiring. There are thus four seats on the board of trustees to be contested. The Annual General Meeting of the Gentoo Foundation Inc. will be held on 25th August 2018 in #gentoo-trustees on at 2200 UTC. [1] [2] -- David Abbott (dabbott) Gentoo Foundation Secretary Key fingerprint = C820 FC52 BE58 1AFA 4D74 EB6B 719F B3E2 F01C 4ACC