First of all, I wanted to thank Matthew and all the developers who gave part of their time in the last AMA and for the opportunity to participate with you, it was a really interesting experience. I wanted to share with you some ideas that I could observe while reading and answering some of the questions. First of all, we need a place to share the Gentoo Vision ... what I mean by this is that a lot of people asked where we see Gentoo in the next 5, 10, 20 years and that's actually an interesting question, but a little hard to answer Personally, I find this question a bit difficult to answer, because, given our philosophy, it is clear that Gentoo is whatever the user needs. This gives us many opportunities to further develop some areas, but one thing I consider dangerous is that even when we develop some areas, we may lose some other areas that are so important and have an impact on the community as a whole. And while it is good to have different opinions on many aspects, such as what qualities a Gentoo user needs to have, it is also important to share some common ideas such as the Gentoo Mission, motto or whatever you prefer to call it. It would also be nice to know exactly what is the biggest problem in the community at this moment, I can guess that it is related to the workforce, or maybe there are other more important or urgent problems ... But ... It would be great to make it of general knowledge in a way that everyone in the community is aware and working towards a solution ... for example, if we knew we needed more people, what exactly we could do in each project to encourage greater participation or to respond faster to collaborators that are not developers. Something like that. Well, it's a pretty big text, so I'm not going to write much more, I just wanted to share some of these ideas with you all and see if we can land some answers on our websites or elsewhere, that way not only Outsiders will have a better idea of what Gentoo is, but also all of us. Best regards, -- Christopher Díaz Riveros Gentoo Linux Developer GPG Fingerprint: E517 5ECB 8152 98E4 FEBC 2BAA 4DBB D10F 0FDD 2547