On Sun, 2008-05-18 at 16:45 +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote: > On Sun, 18 May 2008 11:42:08 -0400 > "William L. Thomson Jr." wrote: > > > > If it's not a GLEP then what is it then? What are we following or not? > > That's already been answered in this thread far too many times. Please > read before posting. I have read and re-read. It's only until recent postings/comments are we starting to say this is not a GLEP. It's not part of the Bylaws. So what is it? How official is it? Who enforces it? Re-reading, just brings me across more reference to it being a GLEP. Which again, in later threads, it's being mentioned it's not a GLEP. What else do we have document and policy wise? Also if it's a constitution, or such for the council. Why is like ~70% of the document, talking about the past. Personal point of view from those writing the document. Things other than what section B is, and declares. If more time was spent on clarifying section B, and less on talking about the past, problems, personal input/opinion. Things that would make this a much more official document, what ever it is. Then this mess would not exist, and we would have set policies and procedures to follow. Instead we have a partial punishment, that doesn't mention at all how to go about enforcing it. As in council is stripped of power. Does the current council, still hold/wield any power from now until they are replaced? What is the extent/limitations of that power in the intern? -- William L. Thomson Jr. amd64/Java/Trustees Gentoo Foundation