2008/11/24 René 'Necoro' Neumann > What you mentioned for the filesystem might be a nice thing (actually I > started something like this some time ago [1] , though it is now dead > ;)), but it does not help in the index/determine changes thing. It is > just another API :). > My thoughline is that when this FS is mounted, it's *only *portage dir - so having this FS mounted, changes are all noticed, because you do all changes in that FS. Anyway, when you unmount it and remount, some things might go wrong and that's what I'm thinking about ...but that's not a big problem. Perhaps the "index after sync" is sufficient for most parts of the > userbase - but esp. those who often deal with their own local overlays > (like me) do not want to have to re-index manually - esp. if re-indexing > takes a long time. The best solution would be to have portage find a) > THAT something has been changed and b) WHAT has been changed. So that it > only has to update these parts of the index, and thus do not be sth > enerving for the users (remind the "Generate Metadata" stuff (or > whatever it was called) in older portage versions, which alone seemed to > take longer than the rest of the sync progress) > > Regards, > René > > [1] https://launchpad.net/catapultfs > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux) > Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org > > iEYEARECAAYFAkkqxSsACgkQ4UOg/zhYFuBPSACdH9H6VChrhlcovucgVAcCsp/B > j+AAmgPXPmuBs5GWnNAfs5nss4HlBEMT > =WG8B > -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > > -- tvali Kuskilt foorumist: http://www.cooltests.com - kui inglise keelt oskad. Muide, üle 120 oled väga tark, üle 140 oled geenius, mingi 170 oled ju mingi täica pea nagu prügikast...