* [gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] missing-rebuild package set
@ 2008-08-03 14:03 Lucian Poston
2008-08-08 22:10 ` Zac Medico
0 siblings, 1 reply; 4+ messages in thread
From: Lucian Poston @ 2008-08-03 14:03 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-portage-dev
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1641 bytes --]
The following patchs add a library dependency rebuilder as a package
set, @missing-rebuild, to portage-2.2_rc6. Similar to the --library
flag in revdep-rebuild, the user can additionally emerge the set of
packages containing consumers of libraries matched by a (python)
regular expression; however, until a better solution is found, the
regexp must be passed through the LIBRARY environment variable to
enable that feature.
Known issues: I expect some false positives. I've inserted hard coded
directory/library masks for those I've found. I noticed a situation
that required a second emerge due to a provider package satisfying 3
conditions: 1) the package is installed and an updated version is
available in its slot, 2) the updated version is in the set due to a
dependency of another package (or it may contains a broken binary),
and 3) a consumer package of a library within the updated package is
emerged before the updated dependency is emerged, causing a package to
be compiled against the old library before the library version
changes. I guess that if a package is already installed, it is not
necessarily placed before its consumer packages in the merge order.
Attached are patches for pym/portage/dbapi/vartree.py,
pym/portage/sets/libs.py and /usr/share/portage/config/sets.conf.
These can also be found in the project's repository:
I warmly welcome all feedback, in particular any suggestions to remove
the necessity of directory and library masks in /etc/revdep-rebuild/*,
which I've been unable to entirely avoid.
[-- Warning: decoded text below may be mangled, UTF-8 assumed --]
[-- Attachment #2: sets.conf.2.2_rc6.patch --]
[-- Type: text/x-patch; name=sets.conf.2.2_rc6.patch, Size: 364 bytes --]
--- /usr/share/portage/config/sets.conf 2008-08-01 15:37:18.000000000 -0500
+++ sets.conf 2008-08-03 06:38:41.000000000 -0500
@@ -59,3 +59,8 @@
class = portage.sets.dbapi.DowngradeSet
world-candidate = False
+# Packages to rebuild broken library dependencies.
+class = portage.sets.libs.MissingLibraryConsumerSet
+debug = False
[-- Warning: decoded text below may be mangled, UTF-8 assumed --]
[-- Attachment #3: libs.py.2.2_rc6.patch --]
[-- Type: text/x-patch; name=libs.py.2.2_rc6.patch, Size: 11541 bytes --]
--- libs.py.2.2_rc6 2008-08-01 15:41:14.000000000 -0500
+++ pym/portage/sets/libs.py 2008-08-03 07:16:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -2,10 +2,18 @@
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id: libs.py 10759 2008-06-22 04:04:50Z zmedico $
+import os
+import re
+import time
+from portage.dbapi.vartree import dblink
+from portage.versions import catsplit
from portage.sets.base import PackageSet
from portage.sets import get_boolean
from portage.versions import catpkgsplit
+__all__ = ["LibraryConsumerSet", "PreservedLibraryConsumerSet",
+ "MissingLibraryConsumerSet"]
class LibraryConsumerSet(PackageSet):
_operations = ["merge", "unmerge"]
@@ -45,3 +53,310 @@
debug = get_boolean(options, "debug", False)
return PreservedLibraryConsumerSet(trees["vartree"].dbapi, debug)
singleBuilder = classmethod(singleBuilder)
+class MissingLibraryConsumerSet(LibraryConsumerSet):
+ """
+ This class is the set of packages to emerge due to missing libraries.
+ This class scans binaries for missing and broken shared library dependencies
+ and fixes them by emerging the packages containing the broken binaries.
+ The user may also emerge packages containing consumers of specified
+ libraries by passing the name or a python regular expression through the
+ environment variable, LIBRARY. Due to a limitation in passing flags to
+ package sets through the portage cli, the user must set environment
+ variables to modify the behaviour of this package set. So if the
+ environment variable LIBRARY is set, the behaviour of this set changes.
+ """
+ description = "The set of packages to emerge due to missing libraries."
+ _operations = ["merge"]
+ def __init__(self, vardbapi, debug=False):
+ super(MissingLibraryConsumerSet, self).__init__(vardbapi, debug)
+ # FIXME Since we can't get command line arguments from the user, the
+ # soname can be passed through an environment variable for now.
+ self.libraryRegexp = os.getenv("LIBRARY")
+ self.root = self.dbapi.root
+ self.linkmap = self.dbapi.linkmap
+ def load(self):
+ # brokenDependencies: object -> set-of-unsatisfied-dependencies, where
+ # object is an installed binary/library and
+ # set-of-unsatisfied-dependencies are sonames or libraries required by
+ # the object but have no corresponding libraries to fulfill the
+ # dependency.
+ brokenDependencies = {}
+ atoms = set()
+ # If the LIBRARY environment variable is set, the resulting package set
+ # will be packages containing consumers of the libraries matched by the
+ # variable.
+ if self.libraryRegexp:
+ atoms = self.findAtomsOfLibraryConsumers(self.libraryRegexp)
+ self._setAtoms(atoms)
+ if self.debug:
+ print
+ print "atoms to be emerged:"
+ for x in sorted(atoms):
+ print x
+ return
+ # Get the list of broken dependencies from LinkageMap.
+ if self.debug:
+ timeStart = time.time()
+ brokenDependencies = self.linkmap.listBrokenBinaries()
+ if self.debug:
+ timeListBrokenBinaries = time.time() - timeStart
+ # Add broken libtool libraries into the brokenDependencies dict.
+ if self.debug:
+ timeStart = time.time()
+ brokenDependencies.update(self.listBrokenLibtoolLibraries())
+ if self.debug:
+ timeLibtool = time.time() - timeStart
+ # FIXME Too many atoms may be emerged because libraries in binary
+ # packages are not being handled properly eg openoffice, nvidia-drivers,
+ # sun-jdk. Certain binaries are run in an environment where additional
+ # library paths are added via LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Since these paths aren't
+ # registered in _obj_properties, they appear broken (and are if not run
+ # in the correct environment). I have to determine if libraries and lib
+ # paths should be masked using /etc/revdep-rebuild/* as done in
+ # revdep-rebuild or if there is a better way to identify and deal with
+ # these problematic packages (or if something entirely different should
+ # be done). For now directory and library masks are used.
+ # Remove masked directories and libraries.
+ if self.debug:
+ timeStart = time.time()
+ if brokenDependencies:
+ brokenDependencies = self.removeMaskedDependencies(brokenDependencies)
+ if self.debug:
+ timeMask = time.time() - timeStart
+ # Determine atoms to emerge based on broken objects in
+ # brokenDependencies.
+ if self.debug:
+ timeStart = time.time()
+ if brokenDependencies:
+ atoms = self.mapPathsToAtoms(set(brokenDependencies.keys()))
+ if self.debug:
+ timeAtoms = time.time() - timeStart
+ # Debug output
+ if self.debug:
+ print
+ print len(brokenDependencies), "brokenDependencies:"
+ for x in sorted(brokenDependencies.keys()):
+ print
+ print x, "->"
+ print '\t', brokenDependencies[x]
+ print
+ print "atoms to be emerged:"
+ for x in sorted(atoms):
+ print x
+ print
+ print "Broken binaries time:", timeListBrokenBinaries
+ print "Broken libtool time:", timeLibtool
+ print "Remove mask time:", timeMask
+ print "mapPathsToAtoms time:", timeAtoms
+ print
+ self._setAtoms(atoms)
+ def removeMaskedDependencies(self, dependencies):
+ """
+ Remove all masked dependencies and return the updated mapping.
+ @param dependencies: dependencies from which to removed masked
+ dependencies
+ @type dependencies: dict (example: {'/usr/bin/foo': set(['libfoo.so'])})
+ @rtype: dict
+ @return: shallow copy of dependencies with masked items removed
+ """
+ rValue = dependencies.copy()
+ dirMask, libMask = self.getDependencyMasks()
+ # Remove entries that are masked.
+ if dirMask or libMask:
+ if self.debug:
+ print "The following are masked:"
+ for binary, libSet in rValue.items():
+ for dir in dirMask:
+ # Check if the broken binary lies within the masked directory or
+ # its subdirectories.
+ # XXX Perhaps we should allow regexps as masks.
+ if binary.startswith(dir):
+ del rValue[binary]
+ if self.debug:
+ print "dirMask:",binary
+ break
+ # Check if all the required libraries are masked.
+ if binary in rValue and libSet.issubset(libMask):
+ del rValue[binary]
+ if self.debug:
+ print "libMask:", binary, libSet & libMask
+ if self.debug:
+ print
+ print "Directory mask:", dirMask
+ print
+ print "Library mask:", libMask
+ return rValue
+ def getDependencyMasks(self):
+ """
+ Return all dependency masks as a tuple.
+ @rtype: 2-tuple of sets of strings
+ @return: 2-tuple in which the first component is a set of directory
+ masks and the second component is a set of library masks
+ """
+ dirMask = set()
+ libMask = set()
+ _dirMask_re = re.compile(r'SEARCH_DIRS_MASK\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"')
+ _libMask_re = re.compile(r'LD_LIBRARY_MASK\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"')
+ lines = []
+ # Reads the contents of /etc/revdep-rebuild/*
+ libMaskDir = os.path.join(self.root, "etc", "revdep-rebuild")
+ if os.path.exists(libMaskDir):
+ for file in os.listdir(libMaskDir):
+ try:
+ f = open(os.path.join(libMaskDir, file), "r")
+ try:
+ lines.extend(f.readlines())
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ except IOError: # OSError?
+ continue
+ # The following parses SEARCH_DIRS_MASK and LD_LIBRARY_MASK variables
+ # from /etc/revdep-rebuild/*
+ for line in lines:
+ matchDir = _dirMask_re.match(line)
+ matchLib = _libMask_re.match(line)
+ if matchDir:
+ dirMask.update(set(matchDir.group(1).split()))
+ if matchLib:
+ libMask.update(set(matchLib.group(1).split()))
+ # These directories contain specially evaluated libraries.
+ # app-emulation/vmware-workstation-
+ dirMask.add('/opt/vmware/workstation/lib')
+ # app-emulation/vmware-server-console-
+ dirMask.add('/opt/vmware/server/console/lib')
+ # www-client/mozilla-firefox-
+ dirMask.add('/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins')
+ dirMask.add('/usr/lib64/mozilla-firefox/plugins')
+ # app-office/openoffice-2.4.1
+ dirMask.add('/opt/OpenOffice')
+ dirMask.add('/usr/lib/openoffice')
+ # dev-libs/libmix-2.05 libmix.so is missing soname entry
+ libMask.add('libmix.so')
+ return (dirMask, libMask)
+ def findAtomsOfLibraryConsumers(self, searchString):
+ """
+ Return atoms containing consumers of libraries matching the argument.
+ @param searchString: a string used to search for libraries
+ @type searchString: string to be compiled as a regular expression
+ (example: 'libfoo.*')
+ @rtype: set of strings
+ @return: the returned set of atoms are valid to be used by package sets
+ """
+ atoms = set()
+ consumers = set()
+ matchedLibraries = set()
+ libraryObjects = []
+ _librarySearch_re = re.compile(searchString)
+ # Find libraries matching searchString.
+ libraryObjects = self.linkmap.listLibraryObjects()
+ for library in libraryObjects:
+ m = _librarySearch_re.search(library)
+ if m:
+ matchedLibraries.add(library)
+ consumers.update(self.linkmap.findConsumers(library))
+ print
+ print "Consumers of the following libraries will be emerged:"
+ for x in matchedLibraries:
+ print x
+ if consumers:
+ # The following prevents emerging the packages that own the matched
+ # libraries. Note that this will prevent updating the packages owning
+ # the libraries if there are newer versions available in the installed
+ # slot. See bug #30095
+ atoms = self.mapPathsToAtoms(consumers)
+ libraryOwners = self.mapPathsToAtoms(matchedLibraries)
+ atoms.difference_update(libraryOwners)
+ return atoms
+ def listBrokenLibtoolLibraries(self):
+ """
+ Find broken libtool libraries and their missing dependencies.
+ @rtype: dict (example: {'/lib/libfoo.la': set(['/lib/libbar.la'])})
+ @return: The return value is a library -> set-of-libraries mapping, where
+ library is a broken library and the set consists of dependencies
+ needed by library that do not exist on the filesystem.
+ """
+ rValue = {}
+ lines = []
+ dependencies = []
+ _la_re = re.compile(r".*\.la$")
+ _dependency_libs_re = re.compile(r"^dependency_libs\s*=\s*'(.*)'")
+ # Loop over the contents of all packages.
+ for cpv in self.dbapi.cpv_all():
+ mysplit = catsplit(cpv)
+ link = dblink(mysplit[0], mysplit[1], myroot=self.dbapi.root, \
+ mysettings=self.dbapi.settings, treetype='vartree', \
+ vartree=self.dbapi.vartree)
+ for file in link.getcontents():
+ # Check if the file ends with '.la'.
+ matchLib = _la_re.match(file)
+ if matchLib:
+ # Read the lines from the library.
+ lines = []
+ try:
+ f = open(file, "r")
+ try:
+ lines.extend(f.readlines())
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+ except IOError:
+ continue
+ # Find the line listing the dependencies.
+ for line in lines:
+ matchLine = _dependency_libs_re.match(line)
+ if matchLine:
+ dependencies = matchLine.group(1).split()
+ # For each dependency that is a pathname (begins with
+ # os.sep), check that it exists on the filesystem. If it
+ # does not exist, then add the library and the missing
+ # dependency to rValue.
+ for dependency in dependencies:
+ if dependency[0] == os.sep and \
+ not os.path.isfile(dependency):
+ rValue.setdefault(file, set()).add(dependency)
+ return rValue
+ def singleBuilder(self, options, settings, trees):
+ debug = get_boolean(options, "debug", False)
+ return MissingLibraryConsumerSet(trees["vartree"].dbapi, debug)
+ singleBuilder = classmethod(singleBuilder)
[-- Warning: decoded text below may be mangled, UTF-8 assumed --]
[-- Attachment #4: vartree.py.2.2_rc6.patch --]
[-- Type: text/x-patch; name=vartree.py.2.2_rc6.patch, Size: 7502 bytes --]
--- vartree.py.2.2_rc6 2008-08-01 15:41:03.000000000 -0500
+++ pym/portage/dbapi/vartree.py 2008-08-03 06:11:55.000000000 -0500
@@ -173,8 +173,18 @@
arch = fields[0]
obj = os.path.realpath(fields[1])
soname = fields[2]
- path = fields[3].replace("${ORIGIN}", os.path.dirname(obj)).replace("$ORIGIN", os.path.dirname(obj)).split(":")
- needed = fields[4].split(",")
+ # When fields[3]=="", this prevents the empty string from being
+ # inserted in paths.
+ if fields[3]:
+ path = fields[3].replace("${ORIGIN}", os.path.dirname(obj)).replace("$ORIGIN", os.path.dirname(obj)).split(":")
+ else:
+ path = []
+ # When fields[4]=="", this prevents the empty string from being
+ # inserted as a key into libs.
+ if fields[4]:
+ needed = fields[4].split(",")
+ else:
+ needed = []
if soname:
libs.setdefault(soname, {arch: {"providers": [], "consumers": []}})
libs[soname].setdefault(arch, {"providers": [], "consumers": []})
@@ -188,6 +198,159 @@
self._libs = libs
self._obj_properties = obj_properties
+ def listBrokenBinaries(self):
+ """
+ Find binaries and their needed sonames, which have no providers.
+ @rtype: dict (example: {'/usr/bin/foo': set(['libbar.so'])})
+ @return: The return value is an object -> set-of-sonames mapping, where
+ object is a broken binary and the set consists of sonames needed by
+ object that have no corresponding libraries to fulfill the dependency.
+ """
+ class LibraryCache(object):
+ """
+ Caches sonames and realpaths associated with paths.
+ The purpose of this class is to prevent multiple calls of
+ os.path.realpath and os.path.isfile on the same paths.
+ """
+ def __init__(cache_self):
+ cache_self.cache = {}
+ def get(cache_self, path):
+ """
+ Caches and returns the soname and realpath for a path.
+ @param path: absolute path (can be symlink)
+ @type path: string (example: '/usr/lib/libfoo.so')
+ @rtype: 3-tuple with types (string or None, string, boolean)
+ @return: 3-tuple with the following components:
+ 1. soname as a string or None if it does not exist,
+ 2. realpath as a string,
+ 3. the result of os.path.isfile(realpath)
+ (example: ('libfoo.so.1', '/usr/lib/libfoo.so.1.5.1', True))
+ """
+ if path in cache_self.cache:
+ return cache_self.cache[path]
+ else:
+ realpath = os.path.realpath(path)
+ # Check that the library exists on the filesystem.
+ if os.path.isfile(realpath):
+ # Get the soname from LinkageMap._obj_properties if it
+ # exists. Otherwise, None.
+ soname = self._obj_properties.get(realpath, (None,)*3)[3]
+ # Both path and realpath are cached and the result is
+ # returned.
+ cache_self.cache.setdefault(realpath, \
+ (soname, realpath, True))
+ return cache_self.cache.setdefault(path, \
+ (soname, realpath, True))
+ else:
+ # realpath is not cached here, because the majority of cases
+ # where realpath is not a file, path is the same as realpath.
+ # Thus storing twice slows down the cache performance.
+ return cache_self.cache.setdefault(path, \
+ (None, realpath, False))
+ debug = False
+ rValue = {}
+ cache = LibraryCache()
+ providers = self.listProviders()
+# providers = self.listProvidersForReachableBinaries(self.getBinaries())
+ # Iterate over all binaries and their providers.
+ for obj, sonames in providers.items():
+ # Iterate over each needed soname and the set of library paths that
+ # fulfill the soname to determine if the dependency is broken.
+ for soname, libraries in sonames.items():
+ # validLibraries is used to store libraries, which satisfy soname,
+ # so if no valid libraries are found, the soname is not satisfied
+ # for obj. Thus obj must be emerged.
+ validLibraries = set()
+ # It could be the case that the library to satisfy the soname is
+ # not in the obj's runpath, but a symlink to the library is (eg
+ # libnvidia-tls.so.1 in nvidia-drivers). Also, since LinkageMap
+ # does not catalog symlinks, broken or missing symlinks may go
+ # unnoticed. As a result of these cases, check that a file with
+ # the same name as the soname exists in obj's runpath.
+ path = self._obj_properties[obj][2] + self._defpath
+ for dir in path:
+ cachedSoname, cachedRealpath, cachedExists = \
+ cache.get(os.path.join(dir, soname))
+ # Check that the this library provides the needed soname. Doing
+ # this, however, will cause consumers of libraries missing
+ # sonames to be unnecessarily emerged. (eg libmix.so)
+ if cachedSoname == soname:
+ validLibraries.add(cachedRealpath)
+ if debug and cachedRealpath not in libraries:
+ print "Found provider outside of findProviders:", \
+ os.path.join(dir, soname), "->", cachedRealpath
+ # A valid library has been found, so there is no need to
+ # continue.
+ break
+ if debug and cachedRealpath in self._obj_properties:
+ print "Broken symlink or missing/bad soname:", \
+ os.path.join(dir, soname), '->', cachedRealpath, \
+ "with soname", cachedSoname, "but expecting", soname
+ # This conditional checks if there are no libraries to satisfy the
+ # soname (empty set).
+ if not validLibraries:
+ rValue.setdefault(obj, set()).add(soname)
+ # If no valid libraries have been found by this point, then
+ # there are no files named with the soname within obj's runpath,
+ # but if there are libraries (from the providers mapping), it is
+ # likely that symlinks or the actual libraries are missing.
+ # Thus possible symlinks and missing libraries are added to
+ # rValue in order to emerge corrupt library packages.
+ for lib in libraries:
+ cachedSoname, cachedRealpath, cachedExists = cache.get(lib)
+ if not cachedExists:
+ # The library's package needs to be emerged to repair the
+ # missing library.
+ rValue.setdefault(lib, set()).add(soname)
+ else:
+ # A library providing the soname exists in the obj's
+ # runpath, but no file named as the soname exists, so add
+ # the path constructed from the lib's directory and the
+ # soname to rValue to fix cases of vanishing (or modified)
+ # symlinks. This path is not guaranteed to exist, but it
+ # follows the symlink convention found in the majority of
+ # packages.
+ rValue.setdefault(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lib), \
+ soname), set()).add(soname)
+ if debug:
+ if not cachedExists:
+ print "Missing library:", lib
+ else:
+ print "Possibly missing symlink:", \
+ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(lib), soname)
+ return rValue
+ def listProviders(self):
+ """
+ Find the providers for all binaries.
+ @rtype: dict (example:
+ {'/usr/bin/foo': {'libbar.so': set(['/lib/libbar.so.1.5'])}})
+ @return: The return value is an object -> providers mapping, where
+ providers is a mapping of soname -> set-of-library-paths returned
+ from the findProviders method.
+ """
+ rValue = {}
+ if not self._libs:
+ self.rebuild()
+ # Iterate over all binaries within LinkageMap.
+ for obj in self._obj_properties.keys():
+ rValue.setdefault(obj, self.findProviders(obj))
+ return rValue
def isMasterLink(self, obj):
basename = os.path.basename(obj)
if obj not in self._obj_properties:
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 4+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] missing-rebuild package set
2008-08-03 14:03 [gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] missing-rebuild package set Lucian Poston
@ 2008-08-08 22:10 ` Zac Medico
2009-02-18 6:17 ` Alec Warner
0 siblings, 1 reply; 4+ messages in thread
From: Zac Medico @ 2008-08-08 22:10 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-portage-dev
Hash: SHA1
Lucian Poston wrote:
> The following patchs add a library dependency rebuilder as a package
> set, @missing-rebuild, to portage-2.2_rc6. Similar to the --library
> flag in revdep-rebuild, the user can additionally emerge the set of
> packages containing consumers of libraries matched by a (python)
> regular expression; however, until a better solution is found, the
> regexp must be passed through the LIBRARY environment variable to
> enable that feature.
> Known issues: I expect some false positives. I've inserted hard coded
> directory/library masks for those I've found. I noticed a situation
> that required a second emerge due to a provider package satisfying 3
> conditions: 1) the package is installed and an updated version is
> available in its slot, 2) the updated version is in the set due to a
> dependency of another package (or it may contains a broken binary),
> and 3) a consumer package of a library within the updated package is
> emerged before the updated dependency is emerged, causing a package to
> be compiled against the old library before the library version
> changes. I guess that if a package is already installed, it is not
> necessarily placed before its consumer packages in the merge order.
> Attached are patches for pym/portage/dbapi/vartree.py,
> pym/portage/sets/libs.py and /usr/share/portage/config/sets.conf.
> These can also be found in the project's repository:
> http://repo.or.cz/w/revdep-rebuild-reimplementation.git?a=tree;h=refs/heads/rc1;hb=refs/heads/rc1
Thanks, I've merged your LinkageMap changes.
Side note: I suspect that we might be able to improve efficiency in
LinkageMap path comparisons by comparing tuples of device and inode
numbers instead of using realpath. We currently use the device/inode
number approach to test identity of paths in dblink.isowner().
> I warmly welcome all feedback, in particular any suggestions to remove
> the necessity of directory and library masks in /etc/revdep-rebuild/*,
> which I've been unable to entirely avoid.
> Lucian
I haven't merged the MissingLibraryConsumerSet yet since I'd like to
see if we can improve it a bit first. I don't have any ideas right
now but hopefully we can come up with something soon.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 4+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] missing-rebuild package set
2008-08-08 22:10 ` Zac Medico
@ 2009-02-18 6:17 ` Alec Warner
2009-02-18 21:54 ` Zac Medico
0 siblings, 1 reply; 4+ messages in thread
From: Alec Warner @ 2009-02-18 6:17 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-portage-dev
On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 2:10 PM, Zac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Lucian Poston wrote:
>> The following patchs add a library dependency rebuilder as a package
>> set, @missing-rebuild, to portage-2.2_rc6. Similar to the --library
>> flag in revdep-rebuild, the user can additionally emerge the set of
>> packages containing consumers of libraries matched by a (python)
>> regular expression; however, until a better solution is found, the
>> regexp must be passed through the LIBRARY environment variable to
>> enable that feature.
>> Known issues: I expect some false positives. I've inserted hard coded
>> directory/library masks for those I've found. I noticed a situation
>> that required a second emerge due to a provider package satisfying 3
>> conditions: 1) the package is installed and an updated version is
>> available in its slot, 2) the updated version is in the set due to a
>> dependency of another package (or it may contains a broken binary),
>> and 3) a consumer package of a library within the updated package is
>> emerged before the updated dependency is emerged, causing a package to
>> be compiled against the old library before the library version
>> changes. I guess that if a package is already installed, it is not
>> necessarily placed before its consumer packages in the merge order.
>> Attached are patches for pym/portage/dbapi/vartree.py,
>> pym/portage/sets/libs.py and /usr/share/portage/config/sets.conf.
>> These can also be found in the project's repository:
>> http://repo.or.cz/w/revdep-rebuild-reimplementation.git?a=tree;h=refs/heads/rc1;hb=refs/heads/rc1
> Thanks, I've merged your LinkageMap changes.
> Side note: I suspect that we might be able to improve efficiency in
> LinkageMap path comparisons by comparing tuples of device and inode
> numbers instead of using realpath. We currently use the device/inode
> number approach to test identity of paths in dblink.isowner().
As it is time for gSoC 2009; I want to inquire at the status of this
code integration.
Looking at HEAD it seems there are some changes left to merge. Is
this on the roadmap?
>> I warmly welcome all feedback, in particular any suggestions to remove
>> the necessity of directory and library masks in /etc/revdep-rebuild/*,
>> which I've been unable to entirely avoid.
>> Lucian
> I haven't merged the MissingLibraryConsumerSet yet since I'd like to
> see if we can improve it a bit first. I don't have any ideas right
> now but hopefully we can come up with something soon.
> Zac
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^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 4+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] missing-rebuild package set
2009-02-18 6:17 ` Alec Warner
@ 2009-02-18 21:54 ` Zac Medico
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From: Zac Medico @ 2009-02-18 21:54 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-portage-dev
Hash: SHA1
Alec Warner wrote:
>> As it is time for gSoC 2009; I want to inquire at the status of this
>> code integration.
>> Looking at HEAD it seems there are some changes left to merge. Is
>> this on the roadmap?
The hardcoded libraries/paths (used to filter "false positives")
still need to be split out into config files before I can merge it.
I'll get to that eventually but I've got lots of other more pressing
things to work on a them moment.
For preserve-libs, the main problems that are left are:
1) There is no protection against building packages which depend on
packages for which libs are still preserved [1].
2) Library preservation currently does not work for binutils
upgrades since the binutils libraries are added to the library path
via symlinks which are created by binutils-config (unlike most
packages the provide libraries, the paths of libraries to which the
symlinks point are not included directly in ld.so.conf).
- --
Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (GNU/Linux)
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2008-08-03 14:03 [gentoo-portage-dev] [PATCH] missing-rebuild package set Lucian Poston
2008-08-08 22:10 ` Zac Medico
2009-02-18 6:17 ` Alec Warner
2009-02-18 21:54 ` Zac Medico
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