Brian Harring wrote: > > Please test this out; if you want to test the EAPI checking, tag > EAPI=1 into an ebuild, and try making emerge bail. > Well, it bails too often. :) It seems that an explicit integer conversion is needed for > and < comparisons with mixed types (2.0.51-eapi-awareness-emerge-int-conversion.patch). > If you're less adventurous, please test the compatibility cache > testing; > in /etc/portage/modules > portdbapi.metadbmodule=portage_db_metadata.database > We need to make sure EAPI defaults to 0 when using old metadata. It seems like db_template.__getitem__() is a nice central place to do that (2.0.51-eapi-awareness-db_template.patch). I made another patch for bindbapi.aux_get() which does the same for old metadata from binpkgs (2.0.51-eapi-awareness-bindbapi.aux_get.patch). Zac