On Sat, Feb 24, 2007 at 05:55:47PM -0800, Robin H. Johnson wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 24, 2007 at 10:00:29PM +0100, Beginner wrote:
> > I recommend not to use wget and not to reconnect to the server for every 
> > single packet, but to hold the connection
> > therefore spare traffic and download more fast.
> If you are doing lots of downloads, use 'emerge -pvf FOO' and feed each
> line of that output to whatever you want to do your fetching.
> On that, I haven't kept up with the code in recent years, is there a way
> that portage itself can hand off those entire lines to a fetching
> application, instead of putting them in one by one? (Telling the app
> about the expected size and checksums would be handy too).

Current fetch implementation... not worth trying.  No abstraction 
built into it- would suggest if you're looking to try this, either rip 
off the old EBD/saviour fetch refactoring (ick), or rip what we've got 
in pkgcore now.

EBD version had ftplib/httplib direct usage; for pkgcore, dropped the 
builtin mainly... since I was too lazy to update it.

Either way, trying it with current fetch implementation in portage, 
would suggest either gutting from codebases mentioned above, or 
refactoring fetch such that FETCHCOMMAND/RESUMECOMMAND are 
encapsulated and the fetcher functor/obj is pulled from the passed in 
settings instance.
