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Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 11:27:57 -0600
From: Brian Harring <>
Subject: [gentoo-portage-dev] [3/3] Cache subsystem rewrite
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removal of the old cache modules.
'nuff said.

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Index: pym/
--- pym/	(revision 2121)
+++ pym/	(working copy)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/Attic/,v 1=
=2E9.2.2 2005/04/23 07:26:04 jstubbs Exp $
-import anydbm,cPickle,types
-from os import chown,access,R_OK,unlink
-import os
-import portage_db_template
-class database(portage_db_template.database):
-	def module_init(self):
-		self.modified =3D False
-	=09
-		prevmask=3Dos.umask(0)
-		if not os.path.exists(self.path):
-			os.makedirs(self.path, 02775)
-		self.filename =3D self.path + "/" + self.category + ".cpickle"
-	=09
-		if access(self.filename, R_OK):
-			try:
-				mypickle=3DcPickle.Unpickler(open(self.filename,"r"))
-				mypickle.find_global=3DNone
-				self.db =3D mypickle.load()
-			except SystemExit, e:
-				raise
-			except:
-				self.db =3D {}
-		else:
-			self.db =3D {}
-		os.umask(prevmask)
-	def has_key(self,key):
-		self.check_key(key)
-		if self.db.has_key(key):
-			return 1
-		return 0
-	=09
-	def keys(self):
-		return self.db.keys()
-	def get_values(self,key):
-		self.check_key(key)
-		if self.db.has_key(key):
-			return self.db[key]
-		return None
-	def set_values(self,key,val):
-		self.modified =3D True
-		self.check_key(key)
-		self.db[key] =3D val
-	def del_key(self,key):
-		if self.has_key(key):
-			del self.db[key]
-			self.modified =3D True
-			return True
-		return False
-		=09
-	def sync(self):
-		if self.modified:
-			try:
-				if os.path.exists(self.filename):
-					unlink(self.filename)
-				cPickle.dump(self.db, open(self.filename,"w"), -1)
-				os.chown(self.filename,self.uid,self.gid)
-				os.chmod(self.filename, 0664)
-			except SystemExit, e:
-				raise
-			except:
-				pass
-	def close(self):
-		self.sync()
-		self.db =3D None;
Index: pym/
--- pym/	(revision 2121)
+++ pym/	(working copy)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/Attic/,v 1.=
11.2.1 2005/01/16 02:35:33 carpaski Exp $
-import anydbm,cPickle,types,os
-import portage_db_template
-class database(portage_db_template.database):
-	def module_init(self):
-		prevmask=3Dos.umask(0)
-		if not os.path.exists(self.path):
-			current_path=3D"/"
-			for mydir in self.path.split("/"):
-				current_path +=3D "/"+mydir
-				if not os.path.exists(current_path):
-					os.mkdir(current_path)
-		self.filename =3D self.path + "/" + self.category + ".anydbm"
-	=09
-		try:
-			# open it read/write
-			self.db =3D, "c", 0664)
-		except SystemExit, e:
-			raise
-		except:
-			# Create a new db... DB type not supported anymore?
-			self.db =3D, "n", 0664)
-		os.umask(prevmask)
-	def has_key(self,key):
-		self.check_key(key)
-		if self.db.has_key(key):
-			return 1
-		return 0
-	=09
-	def keys(self):
-		return self.db.keys()
-	def get_values(self,key):
-		self.check_key(key)
-		if self.db.has_key(key):
-			myval =3D cPickle.loads(self.db[key])
-			return myval
-		return None
-	def set_values(self,key,val):
-		self.check_key(key)
-		self.db[key] =3D cPickle.dumps(val,cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
-	def del_key(self,key):
-		if self.has_key(key):
-			del self.db[key]
-			return True
-		return False
-		=09
-	def sync(self):
-		self.db.sync()
-	def close(self):
-		self.db.close()
Index: pym/
--- pym/	(revision 2121)
+++ pym/	(working copy)
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/Attic/,v = 2005/01/16 02:35:33 carpaski Exp $
-import os.path,string
-from portage_util import getconfig, ReadOnlyConfig
-from portage_exception import CorruptionError
-class database:
-	def __init__(self,path,category,dbkeys,uid,gid,config_path=3D"/etc/portag=
-		self.__cacheArray =3D [None, None, None]
-		self.__cacheKeyArray =3D [None, None, None]
-		self.__template_init_called =3D True
-		self.path     =3D path
-		self.category =3D category
-		self.dbkeys   =3D dbkeys
-		self.uid      =3D uid
-		self.gid      =3D gid
-		self.config   =3D None
-		self.__load_config(config_path)
-		self.module_init()
-	def getModuleName(self):
-		return self.__module__+"."+self.__class__.__name__[:]
-	def __load_config(self,config_path):
-		config_file =3D config_path + "/" + self.getModuleName()
-		self.config =3D ReadOnlyConfig(config_file)
-	def __check_init(self):
-		try:
-			if self.__template_init_called:
-				pass
-		except SystemExit, e:
-			raise
-		except:
-			raise NotImplementedError("db_template.__init__ was overridden")
-	def check_key(self,key):
-		if (not key) or not isinstance(key, str):
-			raise KeyError, "No key provided. key: %s" % (key)
-	def clear(self):
-		for x in self.keys():
-			self.del_key(x)
-	def __addCache(self,key,val):
-		del self.__cacheArray[2]
-		self.__cacheArray.insert(0,val)
-		del self.__cacheKeyArray[2]
-		self.__cacheKeyArray.insert(0,key)
-	def __delCache(self,key):
-		i =3D self.__cacheKeyArray.index(key)
-		self.__cacheArray[i] =3D None
-		self.__cacheKeyArray[i] =3D None
-	def flushCache(self):
-		self.__cacheArray =3D [None, None, None]
-		self.__cacheKeyArray =3D [None, None, None]
-	def __getitem__(self,key):
-		if key in self.__cacheKeyArray:
-			i =3D self.__cacheKeyArray.index(key)
-			return self.__cacheArray[i]
-		self.check_key(key)
-		if self.has_key(key):
-			try:
-				values =3D self.get_values(key)
-				self.__addCache(key,values)
-				return values
-			except SystemExit, e:
-				raise
-			except Exception, e:
-				raise CorruptionError("Corruption detected when reading key '%s': %s" =
% (key,str(e)))
-		raise KeyError("Key not in db: '%s'" % (key))
-	def __setitem__(self,key,values):
-		self.check_key(key)
-		self.__addCache(key,values)
-		return self.set_values(key,values)
-	def __delitem__(self,key):
-		self.__delCache(key)
-		return self.del_key(key)
-	def has_key(self,key):
-		raise NotImplementedError("Method not defined")
-	def keys(self):
-		raise NotImplementedError("Method not defined")
-	def get_values(self,key):
-		raise NotImplementedError("Method not defined")
-	def set_values(self,key,val):
-		raise NotImplementedError("Method not defined")
-	def del_key(self,key):
-		raise NotImplementedError("Method not defined")
-		=09
-	def sync(self):
-		raise NotImplementedError("Method not defined")
-	def close(self):
-		raise NotImplementedError("Method not defined")
-def test_database(db_class,path,category,dbkeys,uid,gid):
-	if "_mtime_" not in dbkeys:
-		dbkeys+=3D["_mtime_"]
-	d =3D db_class(path,category,dbkeys,uid,gid)
-	print "Module: "+str(d.__module__)
-	# XXX: Need a way to do this that actually works.
-	for x in dir(database):
-		if x not in dir(d):
-			print "FUNCTION MISSING:",str(x)
-	list =3D d.keys()
-	if(len(list) =3D=3D 0):
-		values =3D {}
-		for x in dbkeys:
-			values[x] =3D x[:]
-		values["_mtime_"] =3D "1079903037"
-		d.set_values("test-2.2.3-r1", values)
-		d.set_values("test-2.2.3-r2", values)
-		d.set_values("test-2.2.3-r3", values)
-		d.set_values("test-2.2.3-r4", values)
-	list =3D d.keys()
-	print "Key count:",len(list)
-	values =3D d.get_values(list[0])
-	print "value count:",len(values)
-	mykey =3D "foobar-1.2.3-r4"
-	d.check_key(mykey)
-	d.set_values(mykey, values)
-	d.sync()
-	del d
-	d =3D db_class(path,category,dbkeys,uid,gid)
-	new_vals =3D d.get_values(mykey)
-	if dbkeys and new_vals:
-		for x in dbkeys:
-			if x not in new_vals.keys():
-				print "---",x
-		for x in new_vals.keys():
-			if x not in dbkeys:
-				print "+++",x
-	else:
-		print "Mismatched:",dbkeys,new_vals
-	d.del_key(mykey)
-	print "Should be None:",d.get_values(mykey)
-	d.clear()
-	d.sync
-	d.close
-	del d
-	print "Done."
Index: pym/
--- pym/	(revision 2121)
+++ pym/	(working copy)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -O
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/Attic/,v 1.3.=
2.1 2005/01/16 02:35:33 carpaski Exp $
-import portage
-import portage_db_template
-import portage_db_anydbm
-import portage_db_flat
-import portage_db_cpickle
-import os
-uid =3D os.getuid()
-gid =3D os.getgid()
/dep",   "sys-apps",portage.auxdbkeys,uid,gid)
db/dep", "sys-apps",portage.auxdbkeys,uid,gid)
Index: pym/
--- pym/	(revision 2121)
+++ pym/	(working copy)
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/Attic/,v = 2005/04/19 07:14:17 ferringb Exp $
-cvs_id_string=3D"$Id:,v 2005/04/19 07:14:17 fe=
rringb Exp $"[5:-2]
-import os, portage_db_flat_hash, portage_db_flat
-class database(portage_db_flat_hash.database):
-	def get_values(self, key):
-		if not key:
-			raise KeyError("key is not valid")
-	=09
-		try:
-			myf =3D open(self.fullpath + key, "r")
-		except OSError:
-			raise KeyError("key is not valid")
-		mtime =3D os.fstat(myf.fileno()).st_mtime
-		data =3D
-	=09
-		# easy attempt first.
-		if len(data) !=3D portage_db_flat.magic_line_count:
-			d =3D dict(map(lambda x: x.split("=3D",1), data))
-			d["_mtime_"] =3D mtime
-			return portage_db_flat_hash.database.get_values(self, key, d)
-		# this one's interesting.
-		d =3D {}
-		for line in data:
-			# yes, meant to iterate over a string.
-			hashed =3D False
-			for idx, c in enumerate(line):
-				if not c.isalpha():
-					if c =3D=3D "=3D" and idx > 0:
-						hashed =3D True
-						d[line[:idx]] =3D line[idx + 1:]
-					elif c =3D=3D "_" or c.isdigit():
-						continue
-					break
-				elif not c.isupper():
-					break
-			if not hashed:
-				# non hashed.
-				data.append(mtime)
-				return portage_db_flat.database.get_values(self, key, data=3Ddata)
-		d["_mtime_"] =3D mtime
-		return portage_db_flat_hash.database.get_values(self, key, data=3Dd)
Index: pym/
--- pym/	(revision 2121)
+++ pym/	(working copy)
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/pym/Attic/,v 1.13=
=2E2.6 2005/04/19 07:14:17 ferringb Exp $
-import types
-import os
-import stat
-import portage_db_template
-# since this format is massively deprecated,=20
-# we're hardcoding the previously weird line count
-magic_line_count =3D 22
-class database(portage_db_template.database):
-	def module_init(self):
-		self.lastkey  =3D None # Cache
-		self.lastval  =3D None # Cache
-		self.fullpath =3D self.path + "/" + self.category + "/"
-		if not os.path.exists(self.fullpath):
-			prevmask=3Dos.umask(0)
-			os.makedirs(self.fullpath, 02775)
-			os.umask(prevmask)
-			try:
-				os.chown(self.fullpath, self.uid, self.gid)
-				os.chmod(self.fullpath, 02775)
-			except SystemExit, e:
-				raise
-			except:
-				pass
-	=09
-	def has_key(self,key):
-		if os.path.exists(self.fullpath+key):
-			return 1
-		return 0
-	def keys(self):
-		# return portage.listdir(self.fullpath,filesonly=3D1)
-		mykeys =3D []
-		for x in os.listdir(self.fullpath):
-			if os.path.isfile(self.fullpath+x) and not x.startswith(".update."):
-				mykeys +=3D [x]
-		return mykeys
-	def get_values(self,key, data=3DNone):
-		""" do not use data unless you know what it does."""
-		if not key:
-			raise KeyError, "key is not set to a valid value"
-		mydict =3D {}
-		if data =3D=3D None:
-			try:
-				# give buffering a hint of the pretty much maximal cache size we deal =
-				myf =3D open(self.fullpath+key, "r", 8192)
-			except OSError:
-				# either the file didn't exist, or it was removed under our feet.
-				raise KeyError("failed reading key")
-			# nuke the newlines right off the batt.
-			data =3D
-			mydict["_mtime_"] =3D os.fstat(myf.fileno()).st_mtime
-			myf.close()
-		else:
-			mydict["_mtime_"] =3D data.pop(-1)
-		# rely on exceptions to note differing line counts.
-		try:
-			for x in range(magic_line_count):
-				mydict[self.dbkeys[x]] =3D data[x]
-		except IndexError:
-			raise ValueError, "Key count mistmatch"
-		return mydict
-	def set_values(self,key, val, raw=3DFalse):
-		if not key:
-			raise KeyError, "No key provided. key:%s val:%s" % (key,val)
-		if not val:
-			raise ValueError, "No value provided. key:%s val:%s" % (key,val)
-		=09
-		# XXX threaded cache updates won't play nice with this.
-		# need a synchronization primitive, or locking (of the fileno, not a sep=
erate file)
-		# to correctly handle threading.
-		update_fp =3D self.fullpath + ".update." + str(os.getpid()) + "." + key
-		myf =3D open(update_fp,"w")
-		if not raw:
-			myf.writelines( [ str(val[x]) +"\n" for x in self.dbkeys] )
-			if len(self.dbkeys) !=3D magic_line_count:
-				myf.writelines(["\n"] * len(self.dbkeys) - magic_line_count)
-			mtime =3D val["_mtime_"]
-		else:
-			mtime =3D val.pop(-1)
-			myf.writelines(val)
-		myf.close()
-	=09
-		os.chown(update_fp, self.uid, self.gid)
-		os.chmod(update_fp, 0664)
-		os.utime(update_fp, (-1,long(mtime)))
-		os.rename(update_fp, self.fullpath+key)
-	def del_key(self,key):
-		try:
-			os.unlink(self.fullpath+key)
-		except OSError, oe:
-			# just attempt it without checking, due to the fact that
-			# a cache update could be in progress.
-			self.lastkey =3D None
-			self.lastval =3D None
-			return 0
-		return 1
-		=09
-	def sync(self):
-		return
-	def close(self):
-		return


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