import smtplib, email.Message, socket, portage_exception def process(mysettings, cpv, logentries, fulltext): mymailhost = "localhost" mymailport = 25 mymailuser = "" mymailpasswd = "" myrecipient = "root@localhost" mysubject = "[portage] Ebuild log for %s" # Syntax for PORTAGE_LOG_MAILURI (if defined): # adress [[user:passwd@]mailserver[:port]] # where adress: recipient adress # user: username for smtp auth (defaults to none) # passwd: password for smtp auth (defaults to none) # mailserver: smtp server that should be used to deliver the mail (defaults to localhost) # port: port to use on the given smtp server (defaults to 25, values > 100000 indicate that starttls should be used on (port-100000)) if "PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI" in mysettings.keys(): if " " in mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"]: myrecipient, mymailuri = mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"].split() if "@" in mymailuri: myauthdata, myconndata = mymailuri.split("@") try: mymailuser,mymailpasswd = myauthdata.split(":") except ValueError: print "!!! invalid SMTP AUTH configuration, trying unauthenticated ..." else: myconndata = mymailuri if ":" in myconndata: mymailhost,mymailport = myconndata.split(":") else: mymailhost = myconndata else: myrecipient = mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"] if "PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILSUBJECT" in mysettings.keys(): mysubject = mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILSUBJECT"] try: mymessage = email.Message.Message() mymessage.set_unixfrom("portage") mymessage.set_payload(fulltext) mymessage["To"] = myrecipient mymessage["Subject"] = mysubject % cpv if int(mymailport) > 100000: myconn = smtplib.SMTP(mymailhost, int(mymailport) - 100000) myconn.starttls() else: myconn = smtplib.SMTP(mymailhost, mymailport) if mymailuser != "" and mymailpasswd != "": myconn.login(mymailuser, mymailpasswd) myconn.sendmail("portage", myrecipient, mymessage.as_string()) myconn.quit() except smtplib.SMTPException, e: raise portage_exception.PortageException("!!! An error occured while trying to send logmail:\n"+str(e)) except socket.error, e: raise portage_exception.PortageException("!!! A network error occured while trying to send logmail:\n"+str(e)+"\nSure you configured PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI correctly?") return