Hi all, Bunch of patches here that have been sitting on my disk for a couple of months. There's actually a few more beyond this, but they'll likely need a little discussion. These are pretty much all open and shut. Acks would still be nice though. DUAL-remove-CDEPEND-and-disable-RDEPENDs-on-buildpkgonly.patch Kills of the reading of CDEPEND as it's not used at all. The second part clears RDEPEND and PDEPEND when --build-pkg-only is specified as these deps are not required to build the package(s). add-newuse-to-help.patch Completes the monstrosity that is `emerge --help` by adding the short hand option for --newuse. check-world-writable-files.patch Submitted by solar. Sets o-w on any u+s or g+s files and warns on any other file that is o+w. correct-sizes-in-pretend-fetch.patch Makes fetch() use the supplied USE flags rather than blanketly overriding them. This was causing emerge -p output to be incorrect when package.use came into play. disallow-relative-globs.patch Present portage looks at ">=sys-apps/portage-2.0*" as being valid. It's not. dispatch-conf-typo-fix.patch Harmless typo fix. dist-mirror-update.patch Decaptilizes "Linux" to match the upstream change. ignore-pprovided-system-packages.patch Removes anything in system that is satisfied by package.provided. -- Jason Stubbs