Better late than never... COMMITS ------- 68928-spawn-command-isabs-zmedico.patch 98727_sleep_locale_cleanup.patch 98827_lchown_normal_files.patch 98827_darwin_noop_lchown.patch 99101_ccache_perms_adjust.patch 99120_uid_gid_mixup.patch 99418_merge_retcode_ignored.patch 100382_incomplete_world.patch broken-stat-perms.patch (attached: new, but very necessary) DROPPED ------- 99527_skip_config_logging.patch DEFERRED -------- 83379-copy-optimization-zmedico.patch 99616_overridable_lchown_lchgrp.patch Looking over the Zac's copy-optimization patch, I think it'd be right to go in at the same time as the EAPI compatibility stuff. The EAPI stuff will need a bit of ~arch time... With the lchown/lchgrp bit, the only issue was to define the default as per the GNU userland, correct? -- Jason Stubbs