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Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 07:57:44 -0500
From: Brian Harring <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-portage-dev] PATCH: initial EAPI awareness
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Hokay, this is pretty much my response to the string vs int stuff,=20
slammed into one email.

First clarifying the assumption I'm after a max test for eapi testing;=20
not the case- stated so already in this thread.

Restating it again, for stable, a check of if it's > 0 (with int=20
conversion failures being knocked up to 1 fex) is effectively the same=20
thing as if str(portage_const.EAPI) in ("", "0").  Stated also that=20
for rewrite, this approach won't work, and you're stuck specifying=20
either a range of supported EAPI (max *and* min), or specifying every=20
single individual eapi identifier, which I'll clarify before is going=20
to burn any maintainer of such code.

On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 12:52:53PM +0200, Marius Mauch wrote:
> On 08/30/05  Brian Harring wrote:
> > Why am I being so damned stubborn about numbers for this?  Cause I=20
> > don't want users having to dink around with knowing that eapi=3D"really=
> > cool version" somehow maps out to 3.1.  Further, eapi version *likely*
> > will wind up as the slotting for any split out portage-ebuild package,
> > and slots traditionally have always been ints.
> Thanks for that last comment, it actually prooves our point ;)
> Yes, SLOTs are *generally* numeric strings, as they are generally tied
> to major versions. But as soon as more than the major part of the
> version is important ints don't work anymore (and never ever mention
> float again, version numbers aren't floats), and in some cases you find
> non-version data in SLOT (like $CTARGET).

Summation of string based failings.

First off, a modifier of an EAPI, say EAPI=3D3-strict isn't valid; why? =20
strict is most likely a restriction, a specific negation of some=20
aspect of eapi3.
Restrict is the place for it, or a similar metadata key.  Yes this=20
doesn't hold across all cases (someone could've just decided 3-strict=20
was a cool name fex), but throwing it out there to point out that eapi=20
is ebuild templates, not restrictions.

Further, any deviation where loss of backwards compatibility would=20
occur (limiting or extending bash syntax) is implicitly another=20
format, thus beyond eapi's keen.  EAPI is ebuild (the format) spec/api=20
*only*, see comments below re: format support for further explanation.=20

Re: tagging EAPI at the top of a file, infra would probably shoot me=20
for doing such- till a live, fully compatible and *roughly* equivalent=20
parser is available, portage would have to do a bit of grepping,=20
jacking up the regen times.

One thing I'm going to clarify also, is that the rewrite *does not*=20
make it hard to tag new formats in.  There's no reason to jam=20
everything into ebuilds, especially considering we are bound by=20
existing definitions, and a body of 20,000 live ebuilds users/devs=20
would get rather pissed off about if we forced a change across it.

If it's not an adjustment, a tweak, an extension/subtraction of ebuild
functionality, eapi isn't applicable imo, and a seperate format is the=20
route to go (one that could easily live alongside in the tree).

EAPI is just for ebuild format.  alt formats (whether sh based or=20
otherwise) would be wise to version their version also.

Either way, getting to the point of why strings suck badly in the=20
point where it matters- as format version identifiers for the code=20
that does the actual work.

Example code for numeric, say we have eapi 0-5 at this point.

def configure(self):
	if self.pkg.eapi > 0: configure phase...

example code for strings

def configure(self):
	if self.pkg.eapi in ("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"): configure phase...

This sucks.

the response is "well, stick it into a list somewhere".  Can do, but=20
you have to mangle each list everytime you add a new eapi.  That's a=20
good way to lead to dumb ass bugs when tinkering with a new eapi=20

or... capabilities, as suggested.

capabilities =3D 	{"0":["configure"],
def has_capability(eapi, capability):
	try:			return capability in capabilities[eapi]:
	except KeyError:	return False

def configure(self):
	if has_capability(self.pkg.eapi, "configure"): configure phase...

or (slightly nastier example)

# eapi5 being eapi4, just with bash side changes.  implicit is that=20
# their is bash side changes between each eapi, just stating it=20
# explicitly to avoid the 'wtf'=20

capabilities =3D 	{"0":["configure"],
		"1":["configure", "test_src_uri"],
		"2":["configure", "test_src_uri"],
		"3":["configure", "test_src_uri", "full_depriving"],
		"4":["configure", "test_src_uri", "full_depriving", "user_management"],
		"5":["configure", "test_src_uri", "full_depriving", "user_management"],}

def configure(self):
	if "configure" in capabilities.get(eapi, []): configure phase...

Suggestions regarding using enumerations still dodge that point that=20
via strings, you're building a finite set of matching strings to=20
execute a block of code under, rather then establishing a min/max=20
during which an int eapi should execute a block of code.  Latter's a=20
helluva lot simpler then the former.

The arguement here is that it's somehow cleaner; it's not really.  You=20
still have magic strings ("configure"), and a massive table of=20
capabilities.  I used a single capability; if you're doing=20
"has_capability" for every logic check, you're going to get into some=20
very ugly terrain of magic const's all over the place.

Further, if attempting to map out what has changed between each eapi=20
version, it's the wrong place to do so; that's implementation right=20
there, specifically python side knowledge of how to support that=20

Proper design would actually use a magic constant at the top of the=20
file, CONFIGURE_REQUIRED =3D 1 or something of the sort.

If I want to work on the next extension of eapi, I create an ebuild=20
that has the new incremented #, and I can *already* have that eapi up=20
and running, usurping the previous eapi definition.  No forced=20
manual redefinition of stuff that is an easy way to induce bugs=20
(increased manual work =3D=3D bugs).  I can start extending the previous=20
definition, tweaking it to I want without having to gut half of the=20
controlling code.

Yes, I'm talking about it from the code perspective, but remember that=20
this is the area that ultimately *matters*; control of the ebuild env=20
is via the python side of things.  Keeping that as bug free, and clean=20
as possible is what matters from where I sit; we can extend the ebuild=20
env/template without issue, but swiveling from template to template is=20
totally controlled by python side portage, which means that bit of=20
code best be clean and robust.

That said, if you dig through my earlier patch, and comments about=20
needing to handle int conversion better rather then flattening it to=20
0, the code *is* forwards compatible if someone decides to stick strings=20
into EAPI.  In other words, it's a moot debate due to the fact that=20
the internal representation of eapi (is it a string, or is it an int?)=20
is specific to that portage version; whatever version supports an eapi=20
with strings tagged into has the fun of addressing the issues I've=20
brought up above.

So basically the debate over string vs int can be left to when someone=20
tries to add a non int eapi; forewarning: I'll bring up these points=20
again when it's raised.  It's a Bad Idea (tm), and there is a damn=20
good reason you don't see it elsewhere when dealing with versions of=20
something :)

Final comment on this; there's a reason pkgs are release with=20
major/minor as numeric; detection of capabilities, handling=20
capabilities is *much* cleaner via such an approach.


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