Hi all, here it is the patch to include all the emerde's features in the portage. The portage I've patched is this: http://dev.gentoo.org/~ferringb/portage-cvs.tar.bz2 For those who don't know the story: Emerde is born on Septmber 2003. It is a port of the portage for slackware or generic distro. ( http://emerde.freaknet.org ) In the while I've added various handy features. These are the additional features added in emerde: tgz support: A tgzfile must be a Slackware pkg. Emerde will resolve the tgz's dependences and will install it. pfile: Emerde will apply the specified action to all the packages listed in the pfile invulnerable: Updates all the packages which have suid binaries. slack-etc-update: Slackware configuration file updates handler. maketgz: Emerde will build Slackware's tgz packages for all ebuilds processed. quicksearch: The cp_all function in Emerde is rewritten to use /var/cadb, there's a significant improvement in all the functions that use cp_all (--search, sync, update cache etc...) skipit: Emerde allows you to skip to the next merge with the SIGINT signal or by pressing CTRL+c. Compilation resume: Emerde resumes an interrupted or aborted compilation without rebuild the pkg and restart the compilation. LAN-sync: The syncing of the portage can be done using another machine that had already done it. See ACTION:sync in the emerge(1) man page. --searchcontents: Emerde matches the search string against the contents field. The pkg's contents field contains a list of files and directories installed. This option is useful to know to what pkg a file or a directory belong. --showcontents: This option is the same as the --search one except that it shows all the contents file of the searched packages. --searchinstalled: It filter only installed pkg in the search result. buildworld: Rebuilds or updates the "world" file (/var/cache/edb/world) por2pkg: por2pkg converts entries in the portage's db to Slack's db entries. pkg2por: pkg2por converts entries in the Slack's db to portage's db entries. pordbcheck: Checks if the programs listed in the portage's db are really installed. initd-cfg: /etc/init.d editor. If I can jump in the coding with you, I can live in peace with emerde because all the changes will be already built in and in the near future emerde won't be needed anymore. The goal is to make the portage distro independent. I've tested successfully the patch. It all seems to work. Well, it's simpler to talk with the code so I leave you with it... you can find the patch here: http://freaknet.org/alpt/emerde/files/emerde-dev/emerde-portage-cvs.patch.bz2 Best Regards -- :wq! "I don't know nothing" The One Who reached the Thinking Matter '.' [ Alpt --- Freaknet Medialab ] [ GPG Key ID 441CF0EE ] [ Key fingerprint = 8B02 26E8 831A 7BB9 81A9 5277 BFF8 037E 441C F0EE ]