On Monday 04 October 2004 6:00 pm, Nicholas Jones wrote: > > It seems like you're assuming that only one file can be fetched per > > connection. I haven't researched the topic much, but I'm pretty sure > > HTTP, not to mention FTP, supports multiple requests with one connection. > > How do you handle changing depends? You cannot safely assume that > a single download of all current relevant directories will be > complete. Thus... You have to connect and download multiple times. Not neccesarilly... Open connection; fetch pkgiwant; check deps; fetch depineed; no more deps: Close connection Determining dependencies should be fast enough to keep the connection open for. > > HTTP/FTP would add in complexity to portage's update procedure. > Now we'd have to ensure that our information is correct. wget > could do this with timestamps, but then you lose the forcable > checking of the contents by checksum. How so? Fetch checksums too. And the purpose of such an ability would be to make sync-updates unneccesary. -- Luke-Jr Developer, Utopios http://utopios.org/