Hi all The release of Portage 2.0.51 could be a major news item. I'm therefore trying to write a big article for gentoo.org which lists the major changes and new features of .51. A draft (still incomplete but I'm off for the night now) is available at http://dev.gentoo.org/~swift/portage.html, the summary itself (not visible on that page) reads: """ The Gentoo Portage team is proud to present Portage version 2.0.51 to the world! Changes include improved support for cascading profiles, dynamic handling of virtuals, rebuilding on USE-flag changes, gpg verification and more. """ I would really appreciate if you can take a look and tell me what else needs to be in it, what can be removed, what should be altered, etc. Wkr, Sven Vermeulen -- ^__^ And Larry saw that it was Good. (oo) Sven Vermeulen (__) http://www.gentoo.org Documentation & PR