On Sat, Feb 07, 2004 at 06:04:18PM +0100, Simon Mika wrote: > Although I have a computer that is a bit slower I have the similiar problem. > Downloading does not consume much processorpower and athor machine > resources. But compiling does need a lot. Wy don't use always use 2 > parallell processes, one that downloads, and one that compiles. The > compiling process would still need to be synced with the downloading, but > that should not be too hard to implement with some semaphore or similiar > solution. A quick 'n dirty hack in the FETCHCOMMAND should suffice. Something along the lines of (pseudocode): FETCHCOMMAND="if exists \${DISTDIR}/`basename \${URL}.lck`; then skip; else \ touch \${DISTDIR}/`basename \${URL}.lck`; \ /usr/bin/wget ...; \ rm \${DISTDIR}/`basename \${URL}.lck`; fi" This of course as a temporary solution ;) Wkr, Sven Vermeulen -- FOSDEM 2004 Free and Open Source Developers European Meeting 21 - 22 februari Brussels, Belgium http://www.fosdem.org http://www.gentoo.org Documentation & PR swift@gentoo.org