On Tue, 1 May 2012 11:01:57 +0200 "Andreas K. Huettel" wrote: > Am Dienstag 01 Mai 2012, 10:38:41 schrieb Ciaran McCreesh: > > > Well. PMS describes the files in a profile directory. If > > > * we introduce a new file via PMS that was not in there before, > > > * and another package manager accesses that file but expects > > > different information there not corresponding to our new > > > definition, that package manager should be considered broken > > > because it is not adhering to previous PMS revisions. So? > > > > What happens if a user uses an EAPI 4 ebuild with an EAPI 4 package > > manager when the ebuild in question would be hit by your new files, > > which the package manager doesn't know about yet? > > Err, nothing? The useflags remain available and switchable as before, > no difference regarding useflags between stable / not stable? What is the impact of this, then? Does it mean users will start to see lots of "masked" errors that they should not be seeing? -- Ciaran McCreesh