On Sun, 2005-05-08 at 19:02 +0200, Paul de Vrieze wrote: > On Sunday 08 May 2005 17:36, Brad Cowan wrote: > > Hi, > > > > I'd like to be considered in the voting for a trustee position. A > > particular interest would be in the form of funding and the possibility > > of grants based on recommendations of a "steering committee" if that > > model gets approved. > > What do you mean by grants? Maybe I should add that the foundation by no means > is rich, and financially most if not allmost all money not spend on legal > fees should be saved for future legal fees and a reserve. > > Paul > Yes, I understand the current budget situation, these are longer term goals. I'm interested in ways to increase our funding to go above and beyond self sufficient. Spending all our funds on general expenses and saving all the excess for legal expenses and a reserve for possibly more legal defense leaves no room for things like research and development or overall improvements. I know these last two things depend on the having more funding coming in than going out, which is what we should be striving for in my honest opinion. Just because we're a non-profit doesn't mean all our funds need to be for legal issues or our focus as trustees needs to be towards legalities does it? As for the grants, I'm not talking about huge sums of money here. For example the trustees decide that they would like to start a $500 overall improvement grant (could even be $10...the amount is trivial), they would then ask the steering committee to decide which area needed the most improvement and would write up a set of criteria or goals they would like to see accomplished with this grant. The trustees would then enact this grant based on the recommendations of the steering committee. The steering committee would then judge which party should receive the grant based on all criteria being met and the best model that represents their goals. This separates the trustees from making the actual developmental decisions or goals that the steering committee should be making, but still allowing for contributions towards the overall well being of the distro. Anyway I'm just scribbling random thoughts, thanks for listening. -- Brad Cowan <bcowan@gentoo.org> Developer, Gentoo Linux http://www.gentoo.org/~bcowan Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB1F16A56 Key fingerprint = C408 75B9 E68D 26E2 EAAE 20CF 4D5E 293D B1F1 6A56