Hi, On Sun, 13 Jun 2010 21:00:17 -0500 Jeremy Olexa wrote: > *** If you manage a Gentoo Portage mirror, please change the config > to sync from "masterportage.gentoo.org" instead of rsync1.us. You can > use the A or AAAA record at your discretion. *** > > As you know, up to now, we've asked new Gentoo Portage mirrors to > sync from rsync1.us.gentoo.org. This was mainly for historical > reasons. However, we would like to use rsync1.us as a community > mirror entry someday and create similar DNS entries for distfiles and > portage. (masterdistfiles & masterportage). > > Thanks again for your continued support of Gentoo Linux, Please add rsyncer.ftp.heanet.ie ( / 2001:770:18:2::88) to the ACL. rg -- Rob Gallagher | Public Key: 0x1DD13A78 HEAnet Limited, Ireland's Education and Research Network 1st Floor, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1. Registered in Ireland, no 275301 T: (+353-1) 6609040 F: (+353-1) 6603666 WWW: http://www.heanet.ie/