Hi, this is the copy of an entry on the Planet: As expected [1], GNU Emacs 23 enters the so-called pretest stage. This means, defined numbered snapshots of the current development head are made, 23.0.90 being the first one (the row continues until .99, then followed by .990 if needed) released last weekend. All users may test those snapshots with emerge =emacs-cvs-23.0.90* The Emacs eselect module lets you choose Emacs 23 as your primary Emacs with eselect emacs set emacs-23 or you call it via /usr/bin/emacs-23. Thus there is little danger to destroy your current setup, although you should think about rebuilding all your compiled Elisp files with the new Emacs. app-admin/emacs-updater can assist you here. Report all bugs found either to Emacs upstream directly (M-x report-emacs-bug) or to your beloved Gentoo Emacs team via our Bugzilla. [1] V-Li -- Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project , #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode