hi Marcus,
would you mind showing us the content of your /etc/asoundrc?
I am quite interested by the subject.
Thanks for your time and comprehension
Best Regards,
ALSA sould be capable of this - for me it just works with recent drivers
(2.6.12++) - also remember that you can uses alsa's ~/.asoundrc to
define software mixers and virtual soundcards - there is an example for
a SW mixer on the alsa home page - try looking for the .asoundrc
documentation ...
note that i managed to create 4 virtual mono (stereo mixed together)
soundcards using one terratec 5.1 pci card with a special hand
crafted .asoundrc (in my case it was /etc/asoundrc, as it was for the
complete system)
just my2c & good luck,
gentoo-laptop@gentoo.org mailing list