cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01
<polling disabled>

thats why i told you to do this commanda:
echo "2 seconds" > /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/polling:frequency
 this enables the polling of your thermal every 2 seconds. this should be enough.
do you have the other file that i mentioned:
/proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZ01/trip_points ?!
this sets the trip points for your processor. whitout it you governor cannot understand what to do even if it polls right.

as for the kernel thigs, set these options:
select processor type: intel core2 instead of normal x86
CONFIG_ACPI_FAN=y instead of m
CONFIG_MICROCODE=y instead of m (for what i know cpu micocode is needed on intels)
CONFIG_K8_NUMA=n instead of y (this should be the amdk8 numa, that you should not need. if it's not then let him be)
CONFIG_X86_MCE_AMD=n instead of y (you don't need amd mce features since they are not included into intel cpus)
CONFIG_NR_CPUS=32 <-- this leaves me a little dazzled: do you really have 32 cpus in your core?! for what i know this sets the real number of cpus inside the kernel, but i might be wrong. so if this is really what i think it is, ie the real nr of cpus (not virtual ones) set this to 2 or 4 based on your cpu cores.
CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU=n instead of y (i don't really think that you'll unplug your cpu from your laptop when the laptop is still running considering that you don't use multi cpus but a single multicore cpu. the same goes for memory hotplug: i don't think that your laptop supports it, so just disable it.)
for what i have seen the acpi problems may be due to a failure in loading the intel speedstep module. if you look into the modules loaded (lsmod) you should not see it. so it's better to insert it directly in the kernel, since it is one of the first modules called (if you use it as a module you should be loading it with initramdisk before loading acpi to have a full acpi configuration).
try setting these options and recompile and install the new kernel and modules and reboot (kexec is not working on my amd turion with 64bit enabled and so may also be for your core2duo).

2007/10/10, Marco Calviani <>:
Sorry i missed the attachment.


dott. ing. beso