Sorry, for the lack of information.
My laptop is HP compaq nx9105.
But with alsa, I just installed in by typing "emerge alsa-driver"
as indicated in gentoo documentation. After that type alsaconf
and press few times ok/yes/ etc. And in most cases alsa does
really good job.


On 10/28/05, Vivek <> wrote:
i have Acer 4152 nlci and i am unable to configure modem,wifi,bluetooth,audio etc..
"Andrew \"n0ne\" Horowitz" <> wrote:
On 10/25/05, Eilverijus Kondratas wrote:
> Hey,
> for sound "emerge alsa-driver" worked perfectly for me.
> b.t.w my laptop is hp.
> cheers

giving the full model number of the laptop helps people when they are
trying to help you because it allows them to know what hardware you
have and not have to shoot in the dark

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Vivek ,
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Eilverijus Kondratas
Master studies in Computer Science
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Italy, Bolzano