Thanks a lot, I´ll try soon I have time, now I´m going to a business trip , so I´ll spend 2 week outside my home, then as soon I be back I will look for my real solution.
Thanks a lot again, my Windows Vista is Working  and it is enought to work mean while <i finish my gentoo installation.
Sigfrido wrote:
On Sunday 18 February 2007 20:31, sigfrido V. Ortiz C. wrote:
I did, but something is wrong, I´ll comment soon.
I can start with Windows Vista [32 bit edition], editing GRUB comand, it
is because I wrote in my grub.conf  (sda0.x) and changuing it to
(hda0,x) the Windows vista run fine.

Yeah, grub never uses sd* names, always hd* and always in the order 
by BIOS (as opposed to Linux, which presents them as they are discovered 
through device probing with names dependent on the module/subsystem).

Gento can not run yet, nut as soon a have more time I will try it again.

You can probably use grub TAB-completion to determine the correct (hd*) 
setting.  Generally, your boot partition will have a vmlinux or vmlinuz 
on it. So, the workflow would go something like:

GRUB> (hd<TAB>
0 1
GRUB> (hd0,<TAB>
0 1 2 3
GRUB> (hd0,0)/vm<TAB>
GRUB> (hd0,1)/vm<TAB>
GRUB> (hd0,2)/vm<TAB>
vmlinuz vmlinuz.old vmlinuz-gentoo-2.6.19-r2 vmlinuz-gentoo-2.6.18-r6

At this point you know your /boot partition is (hd0,2) in grub-speak.

If don't have a dedicated /boot partition, and instead it's part of the / 
filesystem you'll want to look for boot/vmlinux or boot/vmlinuz instead.  
This may work even if you have a /boot parition, since some 
ditros/administrator put a symbolic link "boot" to "." in /boot when it's 
a partition by itself.