Hello, There's and interesting question: how should kernels different than gentoo-sources and vanilla-sources be stabilized? So far I was trying to match base kernel version + genpatches version of tuxonice-sources to gentoo-sources (ie. when gentoo-sources-2.6.X-rY goes stable I would file a separate bug to have tuxonice-sources-2.6.X-rZ stabilized too). There's abug https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=320071 about stabilizing few tuxonice-sources versions, but it's been quiet since a month. My question is: should be stabilize non-core (everything other than {gentoo,vanilla}-sources)? Opinions? I'm more and more in favor of having tuxonice-sources and ck-sources only in ~arch. -- Krzysztof Pawlik key id: 0xF6A80E46 desktop-misc, java, apache, ppc, vim, kernel, python...