one day i'll remember about gmail :-<
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: robert burrell donkin <>
Date: May 8, 2006 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-java] Java ideas for Summer of Code
To: Joshua Nichols <>
Hash: SHA1
robert burrell donkin wrote:
> On 5/5/06, Joshua Nichols <> wrote:
>> robert burrell donkin wrote:
>> > On 5/4/06, *Joshua Nichols* <
>> why not open source java?
>> >
>> Uh, open source java is EXACTLY what I'm talking about :)
> good :-)
> gump ( ) builds and tests 700 projects from source
> each day. IIRC the classpath team run gump. might be able to dig out an url
> if you're interested in seeing the current level of progress.
> in general, finding a way to generate EBUILDs from gump descriptors would
> make available a lot of libraries and applications without extensive
> effort.
> a maven EBUILD plugin would be even better.
ebuild isn't an acronym, so you don't need to capitalize it all ;)
But having a way to generate ebuilds from gump descriptor or maven
project files would be intersting and all well and good... but someone
would actually have to do the work to put it together. That person isn't
likely me in the foreseeable future, unless someone has a deal on cloning.
> apache has a lot of API implementations but they are scattered amongst
> different projects. it would probably be generally a good thing if they
> were
> more easily accessible. fixing that would also be a big gain for a small
> amount of effort.
'small amount of effort' for whom?
Adding a lot of packages doesn't
particularly sound like a small effort to me.
Another hurdle is that
many projects are switching to maven for building, and as I describe in
the project ideas, we aren't quiet ready to handle using it to build.