On 5/5/06, Joshua Nichols wrote: > > robert burrell donkin wrote: > > On 5/4/06, *Joshua Nichols* > why the emphasis on software libre? > > > And I think you're reading too much into what I said. By libre, I really > mean open source. good :-) > why exclude ASL'd libraries from the effort? > ASL? Do you mean the Apache license? yep In either case, I don't recall > saying anything about excluding anything. ASL2 is still incompatible with GPL2 free java means rebuilding the complete stack including replacements for all ASL'd applications and libraries. so there's a little bit of politics in the mix. > why not open source java? > > > Uh, open source java is EXACTLY what I'm talking about :) good :-) gump (http://gump.apache.org/) builds and tests 700 projects from source each day. IIRC the classpath team run gump. might be able to dig out an url if you're interested in seeing the current level of progress. in general, finding a way to generate EBUILDs from gump descriptors would make available a lot of libraries and applications without extensive effort. a maven EBUILD plugin would be even better. apache has a lot of API implementations but they are scattered amongst different projects. it would probably be generally a good thing if they were more easily accessible. fixing that would also be a big gain for a small amount of effort. In the future, be sure to reply on-list. yeh sorry (mumbles something about gmail) - robert