I have got an UnsupportedClassVersionError but I don't found the package who are compiled with an incompatible VM.
I have posted here http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-509885.html but no response.
I tested to unmerge dev-java/xml-commons-external-1.3.02
and dev-java/servletapi-2.4-r2 and run java-1.5-fixer :
KLessou ~ # java-1.5-fixer
* Generating a list of jars which ant uses ... [ ok ] * Checking for >
1.4 bytecode in ant jars ... [ ok ] * Removing broken ant dependencies ...
--- Couldn't find '=' to unmerge.
>>> No packages selected for removal by unmerge.
[ ok ] * Generating a list of jars in the system ... [ ok ] * Checking for >
1.4 bytecode in system jars ... [ ok ] * Attempting to fix broken packages ...
* Packages to fix this run:
= =
* Starting in 5 seconds...
* Attempting to fix =
Calculating dependencies
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "=".
* Failed to fix =
* Putting it in the queue for next run
* Detected a repeat run. Something is probably wrong.
* Aborting...
* There was a problem fixing all the broken packages!
Do you an idea for me ?
| klessou |