mmm.... yes would be a good place instead of here to email it.
Basically the aim I have for this is too draw the attention of you dev's to bugs that are a 'quick' fix.
Therefore meeting the aim of closing bugs without you guys having to do most of the investigation...
I have also though of going thru and reassigning the priority of bugs into categories (rather a large job for anyone who has other projects they want to get kicking).
eg (as a very ruff guess)
So P1 would be for security exploits and the like.
P2 would be for ebuild related buys
P3 ebuild request
P4 ebuild request that are extremely difficult (or just can't happen because of lack of resources)
P5 (something even worse than above)
I also believe that there should be some bugs marked as WONTFIX, CANTFIX.
For example jboss
I believe, and it will be interesting in hereing your views on this, that bugs should only be open if they are actually going to be worked on. With jboss we now have a binary ebuild in the overlay that could replace the existing versions and these jboss bugs could be closed.
What do you guys think?
Alistair (ali_bush)
On Wed, 2007-01-17 at 11:53 +1300, Alistair Bush wrote:
> How about I start opening bugs on bugs that have already been fixed
> but not closed :)
Hmm not sure about that. Buggzie seems stable these days, but still
might be excessive use. Would like to know what others think about that.
> something like
> Bug #123456 is open even tho its been fixed.
> I wonder what the bug-wranglers would like of that :D
Well another route would be to email bug #, and comments to Then the first dev that gets the email can take comments
add to bug and close the one. Instead of having to close and comment on
two :)
To expand that, you could email over a list of bug #s with comments, to
kill more than one bird with a single stone. ;)
William L. Thomson Jr.