How about I start opening bugs on bugs that have already been fixed but not closed :)

something like

Bug #123456 is open even tho its been fixed.

I wonder what the bug-wranglers would like of that :D

On 1/17/07, Alon Bar-Lev <> wrote:
On 1/16/07, Vlastimil Babka <> wrote:
> > I can help... Moving all packages I use to generation 2...
> Yeah, migrating packages that one has installed is common :) Maybe then
> we find the rest isn't that important as not many people use it.
> Help would be appreciated for sure. But please don't commit that on your
> own without our review, at least for first attempts. Takes some
> experience to do it properly (and admittedly, our docs aren't exactly up
> to date with the eclasses improvements you can for example see in this ML).

But you have to promiss me response time...
I will open a bug for each ebuild, and you review it in... a year? :)

> > My interest is to stop forcing sun-sdk-1.5 as generation 1...
> It's jdk-1.4 and it will have to be forced in generation 1. The interest
> is to remove generation 1 :)

NO... I force 1.5 to be generation 1... I don't like to have two sdks
on my machine.

Best Regards,
Alon Bar-Lev.
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