Hi Karl,
While many people are enthusiastic about AppFuse, I think what Matt is
actually saying on that page (the "Sliced Bread" statement) is that Spring is the best thing since sliced bread. Prolly a tad confusing.
What I've gathered is that AppFuse is meant to be a get-you-started
application generator. I think the problem it aims to solve is to
create a skeleton of an application for you, given your choices from a
handful of open source options for various layers, i.e. O/R. I
think it's especially useful for developers that want to use some of
these frameworks but don't have experience with several of them.
Say I have experience with all the things I want to use, except
Hibernate. I'd go to the Hibernate site and learn the
basics. But if I want an app that uses Hibernate, Spring, Acegi
Security and
DWR, learning each of them and piecing together a working starting
implementation can take quite a bit of time and effort. I think
it this particular problem that AppFuse is meant to help us with.
Hi gang,
I'm at it again. I'd like to know if somebody somewhere has actually
used AppFuse to create a webapp. The slides and website seems to think
it's the best thing since sliced bread, but search as I might, I can't
find a single useful application built with it.
(Now, I'm the first to admit that my searching skillz may have failed me.)
-- Karl T
gentoo-java@gentoo.org mailing list